Part 20

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(3rd Person PoV; The Next Day)
    For a majority of the day, Edd and Matt hung out in the living room of the cola lovers apartment watching movies. They mainly watched the 'Return of the Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell' collection but there were a few others.
    Edd sat on the couch with his eyes on the screen of his tv, he payed little attention to it while he thought about his dream. It just seemed so...real. He was cut from his thoughts as he heard Matt give a distressed sigh, Edd turned to look at him and saw he was captured by the movie.
    He never really got into the movie they were watching, between his thoughts and his lack of interest it almost seemed impossible to do so. Edd eventually got up to grab a cola from the fridge when he realized he hadn't heard from Tom or Tord at all that day.
    Yes, he had seen that the two seemed to be getting along better than usual but they still seemed slightly hostile towards each other at times. He began to worry, thinking they may have gotten into a fight and weren't going to stop till one was beaten to a bloody pulp.
    Edd eventually got his favored drink from the fridge and took a seat next to Matt, beginning  to feel unsure of his feelings. The ginger glanced at Edd and smiled, clueless as to what was happening. He didn't blame him, he seemed to have gotten lost in the movie that was on... he returned Matt's smile and turned his attention to the film, hoping it wasn't to late to tune in.

(3rd Person PoV; Tom's apartment)
    It was noon when Tom checked his phone, he was laying down in bed with a certain Norwegian cuddled up to his chest. The Britt had just woken up under Tord and the comfy warmth of his navy blue covers.
    His hand rested on the smaller's back while he checked his media with the other. He eventually set his phone on the bedside table and glanced down at Tord, he looked so peaceful. So calm. His hair was a bit messy but his 'horns' remained still as ever.
    Tom couldn't help but chuckle, he looked so cute... the Norwegian had slept in Tom's Stay Safe shirt along with checkered pants, but of course they were a bit large on him seeing as Tord was so small compared to the Britt. Seeing him like this made it difficult for Tom to think he led an army at one point.
It wasn't long after that when Tord began to squirm, and soon enough his eyes fluttered open. His gaze was met with Tom's. "Good morning sunshine lollipops." He said gently, not wanting Tord to take it the wrong way, in return he just sighed, "Jehova."
The Norwegian snuggled his face into Tom's chest in a sleepy manner, hopelessly trying to go back to sleep. Tom took this moment to get up from the bed now that Tord was awake. The Britt stretched his legs and arms, earning a pop from somewhere on his shoulder.
    "I'm gonna get breakfast started, I'll wake you when it's done." He waited for a response but only got a sleepy groan from the other. Tom lightly sighed as he walked out of the room, 'Now...what to make for breakfast..' he opened his fridge only to reveal a mainly empty fridge...'Man, I really need to go shopping.' The only things that remained in his fridge were a few bottles of Smirnoff and some leftovers from the past.
    He remembered going shopping for Edd a while ago along with Tord, he'd most likely have extra stuff. Hopefully. Tom decided to go over and ask him if he had some extra stuff to make breakfast.

"Oh yeah sure, let me get it for you. You can come in if you'd like, I'll be a minute." Tom nodded, following Edd into his apartment. He saw Matt on the couch watching something on the television but decided to stay quiet.
    "So how are things going between you and Tord? I'm kinda surprised you haven't killed each other yet." Tom thought for a moment, 'Should I tell him?' He gave a small chuckle, "Yeah... We've been alright I guess. Nothing to bad has gone down since he's been at my place." his thoughts decided against the idea of telling his dear friend about him and the Norwegian.
    Edd stopped for a moment as he shuffled through his fridge. "Oh, that's good." He could immediately tell that Edd was suspicious. He didn't blame him for catching on either, it was kinda hard to not notice how they weren't constantly arguing anymore.
    Edd turned around with some semi-empty food packages in hand, "Here you go, that should be enough for the two of you." Tom took the packages from Edd's grasp, "Thanks." He said, making his way out.
    Tom closed his door on the way out, heading back to his own apartment to finally start cooking breakfast. A very late breakfast.

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