Part 19

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(3rd Person PoV)
Silence, the only thing audible for a few moments as well as being surrounded by the dark. But it only remained so for a few moments before a scene appeared, the sky resembled fire as the sun set behind a familiar neighborhood of houses. But Edd saw them from a higher point that he recognized after a few moments, the cliff where Tord crashed his giant robot.
But the cliff was clean with no metal scraps of any sort. He was about to walk to the edge and glance over but something interrupted his thoughts, "Prepare to fire!!" Edd jumped as he heard an unfamiliar voice yell out such commands. Turning around he saw many men which he immediately recognized as the red army.
    There were dozens of them, yet he was frightened not by the number of men, but by the fact they all had their weapons in hand. Edd began to back up, but stopped as he heard a loud roar behind him. Turning around he saw something horrifying, yet so was the monster from the time he was fighting Eduardo with his super powers. It's large feet were dug into the ground and its tail was curled around something, but he couldn't tell what...
He dared to look the monster in the face, it had anger and fury written all over it. It seemed clear to him that the monster was guarding something. It clenched its hands into fists as the monster roared once again. Soon after he heard many guns being loaded. "Ready!" The man yelled behind him. The monster lashed it's tail as it prepared itself as well, giving Edd a chance to see what was so precious to protect from the red army. But what he saw wasn't an 'it' instead it was a 'who'...


    He was curled up in a ball and there was blood gushing from his hoodie. "Tord!" He tried to yell but his voice was silent. Unheard by his friend. He ran up to the Norwegian, inspecting his many wounds. As he looked at his dear friend Tord began muttering, it was inaudible at first but he realized he was saying Tom's name and something about being sorry.
    "Aim!" The leader yelled. At hearing this Tord used up his last bit of strength to turn to the oncoming brawl, "Please don't shoot him! I'm begging you!" He began coughing as tears began streaming down his cheeks. Edd looked up to see the man giving commands look at Tord, "And why should I listen to you? You left! You chose to leave the red army!" Tord just held his gaze with a pleading look. But the man simply just looked back at his men, "FIRE!" Rounds began to fire, "THOMAS NO!" Edd looked up in shock, that monster was Tom?!
    Tord began to cough again, unable to do much of anything because of his injuries. But that didn't stop him for long, he began helplessly crawling towards Tom, wincing every now and then.
Only a few minutes later did the great beast fall to the ground, heaving in labored breathes as he let out a low groan of defeat. Tord soon reached Tom after struggling to crawl, as he did Tom's monster features began to shrink back into his regular body. Many bullets pierced his stained hoodie, making Edd tear up as he hopelessly watched the two.
Soon enough the army got into separate vehicles and left the two males on the cliff. As Edd dared to near, he saw that Tom was holding Tord close to him in a protective manner.

Edd awoke with a start, breathing heavily. He realized he was on the couch...'must've drifted off' he thought. What was that dream all about? Did it mean anything? Several questions started rushing through his head as he tried to figure things out. "Edd?" A familiar voice asked, looking over he felt relieved to see Matt. He had a worried look on his face with two colas in hand, one of which he handed to the green hooded britt.
"Are you okay?" , "I don't know... I had this crazy dream about Tom and Tord.." Matt gave a small hum as he sat alongside Edd on the couch, placing an arm around his shoulder. "Wanna talk about it?" Edd gave a hesitant nod as he began explaining his dream...or rather nightmare.

After Edd finished Matt gave him a tight hug, "Well, that's definitely weird...but try not to think to much on it." He said reassuringly, he gave him a quick peck on the cheek before he got up. "Speaking of Tom and Tord, I wonder what they're doing..." the mention of their names made Edd feel a bit uneasy but he pulled it together, it was just a dream, he told himself.


(A/N; hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter, I have a super cool plot planned out for the book that I think will spike your interests. Just so this book doesn't get forgotten so easily... but anyway I want to tell you guys that I'm finishing book 1 of this series at part 20. I know I'm cutting it short but I've been meaning to go back and write a couple chapters of 'Under My Command' which is a separate tomtord book that I'm writing. Well that's all for now, thanks for reading.) -Swingster

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