Part 16

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(3rd Person PoV)
Tom sat against the wall, Tord sleeping in his arms. The shoulder of his blue hoodie had been soaked with tears, seeing as he was unable to change into nightwear. His head was rested against the wall, yet he sat awake, thinking...he did this, he was the reason Tord was so broken and mangled.
After getting lost in his thoughts he decided it would be best to head off to bed, although the clock was nearing 1 and the couch still hadn't been prepared...'I guess my bed will just have to do for tonight...' He wrapped his arms securely around Tord and stood up, making his way to his room. Tom nudged the door open with his foot and stepped inside, placing Tord on his messy and unmade bed. He took off his blue hoodie and pants, leaving him in a dark gray T and checkered pants that he soon put on.
The spiky haired male soon got in bed alongside Tord, pulling the covers up over the two. He looked at Tord, seeing as they faced each other in bed, his sleeping face urged him to do many things. He just looked so helpless to Tom, so...gullible. The full moon shone obnoxiously through Tom's window, which allowed him to look over all the features on Tord's face, everything from his healed scars to his lips.
He couldn't help thinking what it would feel like if he were to kiss him. Would Tord even take notice and wake up? The daring and passionate side got the best of his nerves as he gently and cautiously placed his hand on the side of his scarred face and leaned in...a small blush crept to his cheeks as he grew closer....and closer.


His thoughts said, he stopped. What was he thinking? For starters, he'd be taking advantage of Tord and secondly, he was about to kiss someone he made cry not even and hour before...but part of him didn't want to listen. Part of him wanted to take advantage of this moment and kiss Tord.
His mind was scattered as to what he should do, but once he decided he didn't stop to hesitate. His lips gently pressed on Tord's, moving his hand to the back of the others neck. At that moment Tom realized something.

'I' love with this guy.."

Tom felt Tord beginning to wake, but he didn't stop. Tom's mind begun to blind with passion as his lips began to move. It took Tord a minute or two to come to his senses, once he did however, he pulled back. "Tom what...are you doing?" Tord asked as he sat up. Tom followed his actions, he looked Tord in the eyes and spoke four unforgettable words, "Tord...I-I love you."
    Tord was shocked, he thought he was dreaming. 'Tom...loves me...' he thought, not sure of what to do or say. "...Tom" The spiky haired male looked down at the sheets, an obvious blush covering his face. Tord put his hand up to Tom's cheek, leaning in to quick for him to process what was going on. Tord connected their lips and felt complete bliss and satisfaction flow through him.
    Tord moved his hand and wrapped his arms around Tom's neck, in return he placed his hands on his waist and brought him closer. "I love you too.." Tord said quietly. He placed his head on Tom's shoulder and slowly drifted back to sleep. Tom lightly chuckled, thinking over his previous actions...and in the end, he didn't regret any of it.
    He lowered Tord back onto the bed as he grabbed the covers once more, brining it over the two at a comfortable level.
    The morning came later than usual, but both Tom and Tord knew why. The two got up from bed, deciding it'd be best to get ready for the day. Tord slipped on some extra clothes he brought from Edd's and Tom wore his usual outfit.
    Tord sat on Tom's bed, looking at Tom with clueless eyes. Tom gave him the same look as he stood in front of the red hooded male. "So," He stated, as Tord looked down and began to fiddle with his hoodie strings. "About last night..." Tom continued, not sure where he was going with this conversation.
    Tord took this chance to ask something that had been poking at his mind for hours now. "Tom, did you really mean what you said last night?" Tom looked at him with wide eyes that soon eased into a gentle look, "Of course..." he reassured the red.
    "I said it last night and I'll say it again now. I love you.." he said, a bit braver than the night before. Tord got up and walked over to the black eyed male, grabbing his shoulder to lower him. Tom blushed as Tord kissed his cheek and walked out of the room. He soon followed Tord out to the living room, just then wondering how Edd and Matts night went. "Wanna go over to Edd's? They're probably awake by now, it's already 11." Tom asked, "Yeah sure, just let me grab my phone. I left it out here last night."
    After Tord found his phone the two had head over to Edds apartment. Tom knocked and waited, no response. 'That's funny...usually Edd would be up by now.' He thought. Curios as to why his friend hadn't let him in yet.
    Tom knocked again, this time after waiting a minute or two the door slowly opened only to reveal a sleepy Edd. "Oh hey Tom...*yawn* hey Tord...what are you guys doing here so early?" He asked, obviously unaware of the current time. "Um, its 11 right now." Tom replied. "Did I really sleep that long?!" , "Apparently." Said the blue.
    Tord stood along with Tom, unsure of what to say. He started to zone out as the two of them talked about pointless things. He stared to think of the night before and what had happened. What if that small kiss they shared last night grew into something deeper, what if-  He was snatched from his thoughts as Tom poked his shoulder, "C'mon Tord." He said.
    "Where are we going?" He asked, starting to regret not listening. "Back to my place, we've gotta wait for Matt and Edd to get ready." Tord was still confused, "ready..for what?" , "Were going out for lunch." He replied.
    The two awaited in Tom's apartment as they made small talk about pointless things, that is until a knock was heard from the door, "That must be them." Tom said, waking towards the door with Tord following closely behind...

(A/N; hi guys, hope you enjoyed this part. I had fun writing it and I thought it would be nice to update once more before Christmas....well, maybe twice, I don't know yet. Anyway, keep on the look out for another possible chapter.) -Swingster

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