Part 6

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(3rd Person PoV)
    Edd retrieved his hand from Tord's shoulder,making his way to the door next to Tom's. "Well,come on. It's getting late." Tord followed Edd in as he opened the door. "You can sleep on the sofa,I don't really have any extra space in my room at the moment." Tord nodded,"Thanks." Tord started his way towards the coach only before he remembered his bag of belongings in the trunk of his car. "Hey Edd,I'll be right back I left my bag in the trunk." Edd nodded. Tord left the room without another word,he wanted to make the trip to the car and back as soon as possible. He was already falling asleep due to exhaustion,but knew he had to go get his stuff so he fought the urge to close his eyes.

    Tord got off the elevator,bag in hand. He made his way to what he assumed was Edd's door,he knocked. After waiting a few moments the door swung open,oh god. Lone behold a royally pissed Tom,standing in the doorway. "Wha...Do you..want?!" He was obviously drunk,judging by the slur in his voice and the 3/4 empty bottle of Smirnoff in his hand. Tord didn't want to get on his bad side since he was drunk,so he simply replied,"Oh,hey Tom haha. Wrong door sorry about that." Tom raised an eyebrow and stumbled towards him,he pressed a finger to Tord's chest,"You!" Tord backed away a bit but Tom quickly pinned him to the wall across the hallway,well tried anyway. He stumbled a bit and tripped over his feet which resulted in him falling into Tord's chest. Tord caught him,but was nervous of how he'd react once he realized what happened. It took a moment,but Tom quickly ripped himself from Tord's grasp and made his way back to his room,slamming the door in the process. Edd's door quickly opened up,"Tord? What's going on out here?"

(A/N: hey guys! Hope you enjoyed part 6,sorry it's kinda short but a lot is going on at the moment. Hope you guys understand and I'll try and update as soon as possible.) -Swingster

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