Part 11

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(3rd Person PoV)
    Tom and Tord scrolled the isles of the store,"So what is it you needed again?" Tom questioned. "Just some stuff for breakfast,like bacon and all that." Tord replied,he got the idea when he went to look in Edd's cupboard for a snack,there was literally nothing for breakfast. He had even searched the fridge! A familiar cooler full of meats came up and Tord picked out what he needed,tossing it into the creaky cart Tom had been pushing. Scrolling the isles took a lot more concentration than Tord thought it would take,making sure he didn't pass anything,etc. "Hey Tom,what are your thoughts on pancakes?" "Um,there okay I guess. Why,is that what your planning to make?" He responded with a "mhm" because of his lack of concentration on their talk. He held his hand up to his chin while looking,"Ah,there it is...wait no that's muffin mix,um." Tom sighed,"it's right here." , "Wait whe-" Tom reached over Tord,his chest pressing up against his back. Tord blushed,'Stop it! I don't like him like that...or do I? No! Tord snap out of it!' He attempted to block the thoughts out of his head which thankfully worked. Well,for now anyways. Tom retracted with pancake mix in hand,leaving Tord to put in the cart. "So,what else?" Tord snapped back to reality and started searching his pockets for a crumpled list which he wrote on.
Pancake mix
"Eggs,cola,coffee,and creamer." Tom sighed and begun pushing the cart again.
The trip to the store and back hadn't been to long,they were able to get back before Edd and Matt woke up and started cooking breakfast. Tom,feeling a bit drowsy,began brewing the coffee they had gotten from the store. "Hey Tord," He replied with a 'hm' due to his attention occupied with cooking the bacon. "Want some coffee?" Tord looked at him for a slight second,"Yeah." He said turning his attention back to the bacon. Tom grabbed to mugs from the cupboard but nearly dropped one when he heard a small yelp a few feet away from him,"What happened?" He looked over to see Tord gripping his hand,"Nothing I'm fine." He said as he let out an annoyed sigh. Tom suspected he'd gotten burned by the grease in the pan so he snuck out of the kitchen and into the bathroom where the first aid was. Little did Tord know that Tom was getting one of those ice packs you have to crack and shake,instead he was trying to deal with the burn without letting out a frustrated yell.
    Tom snuck up behind Tord and placed his hand on his with the ice pack   Sitting in between. "Here,go ice it. I know you got burned." Tord didn't move. He couldn't,that's the closest the two had ever gotten without fighting. "Tom,I'm fine." Tom used his other hand to grab the cooking utensil,"Just go ice it and stop being a prick already. You don't have to act all tough all the time you know." Tord looked down,Tom knew it as well as he did. He was just acting tough to hide his real feelings,he didn't like to do it but he didn't want people anyone about him. "...Fine." He said,finally giving in and taking the ice pack from Tom's grip. He mumbled something that Tom was just barely able to catch on his way out of the kitchen,"Thanks..."  Little did Tord know,his little act put the largest shit eating grin on Tom's face...

    'Maybe he's not that bad after all.'

(A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the new chapter,sorry it's later than usual,but here's why...My friend and I have decided to start working together on this book. So a special thanks to -thefallenchild- for agreeing to help me out! But if you guys have any ideas put them in the comments,I'll be sure to look at them. 'Till then \•_•) -Swingster

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