Part 14

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(3rd Person PoV)
"Well it's not my fault you forgot your phone! You should've grabbed it on your way out." Tom exclaimed, giving Tord an angry glare. The two sat in the back of the car arguing while Matt and Edd took the front. They had just pulled into the parking lot in front of the carnival when Tord realized he forgot his phone back in Tom's apartment,he fell asleep there mid-day after an argument the two had in his room. "C'mon guys,it's not that big of a deal,lets go already!" Edd said,half annoyed. "Yeah." Matt proclaimed,looking up from his mirror for the first time since they left. Tord gave a frustrated sigh and began getting out of the vehicle. Soon after Tom did the same,muttering unpleasant things about the red hooded male.
    The four walked into the carnival after showing their tickets to one of the workers up front,eager to see what awaited them. "So...what do you guys want to do first?" Edd asked as he looked around,there were a variety of rides,games,and food trucks scattered on the dirt lot. "Well I don't know about you guys but I'm gonna go look for an arcade." Tom stated,seeing as games and rides didn't spike his interests to much. He began walking away when Edd mentioned taking Tord with him,at first he denied the offer but soon remembered something Edd told him a few hours before.

    The group of friends sat in Edds living room finishing up breakfast,Edd got up and tapped Tom on the shoulder as he made his way towards the kitchen. Tom followed soon after being signaled, curios of why his friend needed him. "So Tom,later when we're at the carnival I need you and Tord to go somewhere for about a half an hour. I know the two of you don't get along all that well but still..." Tom gave a confused look,"Uh..okay,but mind telling me why?" He questioned. The answer he received surprised him,"Well,I wanted to tell Matt something kind of important." He said as he looked down at his feet, blushing. "Oh." , ",can you?" Tom gave Edd a pat on the back as he replied,"Of course.."

---------Back to ze present,lol--------

    Tom gave a reluctant sigh,"C'mon sunshine lollipops." Tord looked confused as hell but made his way to Tom's side. They walked side by side while in search for an arcade...or something relatively close.
    Tom turned to look at Tord after a good 5 minutes,now that he thought about it,he hadn't heard him speak a single word since they walked in. Tord was looking around with his hands in his hoodie pockets,his looked scared and nervous as he tried not to make eye contact with anyone. Tom looked around at the public and realized why he was so on edge,everyone who walked past Tord would stare at his scarred face and pale eye. (Sorry I never really explained his appearance after the first chapter) Tom gave Tord a concerned look which he caught and in return gave him a worried and almost sympathetic look. Tom sighed and put an arm around Tord's shoulders,soon after being able to feel the hard metal of his robotic arm underneath the cloth of his red hoodie. He pulled Tord close and stated,"Just ignore them...Oh hey look! An arcade!" He pointed to a small building next to some carnival booths,glad to know they weren't searching for nothing....

(A/N; hey guys! Sorry for the late update,I've been trying to figure out a plot for this chapter. I hope you guys liked this chapter,tell me what you think in the comments. I'll try to update soon as possible but as you guys know,I'm not all that good with keeping my word sometimes,so sorry about that xD. Thanks for reading) -Swingster

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