Part 13

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(3rd Person PoV)
Tord sat on the couch,stunned as he was released from Matt's sudden hug. "Hi Tord! Sorry about the other day." Immediately knowing what he was talking about he reassured him,"It's alright." He was glad to have Matt on his side again. Now all he had to do was convince Tom that he's changed...if that was even possible,he already hated him as it is...right?
The truce in the room didn't last long,Tom walked through the doorway. "Hey are you guys coming or what? Breakfast is getting cold." He said as he glanced at Edd and Matt. As the two left the room to go make their plates Tom looked at Tord,his face hidden in his knees once more. He looked at him for one more second before turning back and taking his cleared plate with him. Once he knew Tom was gone he let a few tears fall,staining his jeans. 'Why? Why now?' He dried his face quickly,determined to hide his feelings incase anyone came and sat out in the living area. Just as he thought no one would come,Matt and Edd walked through from the kitchen,"So Tord," Edd started as he sat across from him on an armchair. "I've been thinking about it and decided it would be a good chance for all of us to build up our friendship again. Matt agreed to it though I haven't asked Tom yet." , "...And what might that be?" Tom asked,leaning against the doorway,"Oh hey Tom! Perfect timing I can ask both of you now. How would you guys like to go to the carnival?! It just opened a few blocks down the street and I thought it'd be a good chance to get out and have some fun!" Edd looked at Tom with excitement filled eyes,"Pleeease??" Tom gave in and sighed,"Alright,when do we go?" Matt and Edd both threw their arms up and screamed,"Yay!!" Edd and Matt both looked at Tord,"So???" Tord chuckled and gave a small grin,"Okay,I'm in." He said,Norwegian accent heavy. Matt and Edd cheered as Tom came over and sat next to the red hooded male,seeing as there were no more seats available in the somewhat small apartment. "Okay! So,I'll order the tickets in a while and are you guys cool if we go tonight? It's the first day of the carnival so they give special discounts." Everyone nodded. With that said the four friends spent the rest of the day preparing for the night.
    It was currently late afternoon and Edd walked into Toms apartment with four tickets that he had printed out. "Ready to go guys?" He asked as Matt followed Edd into the apartment. "Guys?" He asked again as he began to search the apartment. The only room left was Toms bedroom which had the door closed. Edd opened the door to reveal the two sleeping,Tom lay on the ground with tomme bear wrapped in his arms. As for Tord,he was asleep curled up in Toms gray blankets. Edd chuckled at the sight,but decided to wake them because they had to leave soon. "Guys," he said as he walked over to Tom,giving his shoulder a slight shake,"Wake up,we gotta go." Tom stirred before sitting up,looking at Edd,then Tord with tired eyes. Edd went to go wake Tord but Matt called for him,"Hey Tom,wake him up for me okay?" Tom nodded while yawning,he got up and turned to the sleeping bundle of blankets. "C'mon commie,time to get up.." He said as he lightly shook him. Tord turned and groaned,"5 more minutes..." Tom shook him again,this time he grunted only before rising a little to fast which caused him to fall forward. Tom saw what was about to go down and moved up a few steps to block his fall,not even a second later Tord's body fell onto Toms. Tord looked up at Tom,a small blush across his cheeks and sleep in his eyes. Tom tried to avoid the look and lowered him back onto the bed,"Get ready,I'll meet you in the living room.." He stated as he left the room.
    Tord walked out of the bedroom and into the living room where Edd and the others chatted about non relevant things until they noticed he was there. "Hey Tord,ready to go?" Edd asked,excitement in his voice. He nodded in return,curious of how the night would play out....

(A/N: Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter,I just got finished up with fall ball  so now I've got some extra time which is great for writing. I want to thank -thefallenchild-  for giving me the idea for this part and possibly the next few. So yeah,tell me what you think in the comments!)     -Swingster

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