Chapter 4: The Dockyard Killer-Part 1

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A month later, everything returned back to normal in the Grimsborough Police Department. After a few days of rest, Marie got over her cold and went back to work. One day, Marie was in the gun range practicing on the black human shaped target. Each bullet that went through the piece of paper, she pretended it was Marconi getting shot. Marie kept on firing and reloading and kept on thinking about what Marconi said on her answering machine a month ago.

While she was still firing Marie thought, could he really be coming for me or is it a bluff. Either way, he touches me or makes me touch myself, I'm going to put a silver bullet in his brain. While Marie was concentrating, Jones came in and tried calling out to her. When she wasn't listening, he slowly came over to her and tapped on her shoulder.

Marie jumped and almost pointed her gun, when she saw it was just Jones. She breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "What do want, Jones?"

"I just came to see how you're doing. You've been down here for the past few weeks. Is everything okay?" Jones asked in concern and Marie told him everything's fine.

Jones then smiled knowing it was and when she continued to fire, he said to her, "Well, when you get the chance, come on up. The chief has another case for us." And Marie said she'll be right there while firing a few more blanks at the Marconi looking target.

After firing a few more rounds and when she met with the chief, Marie met with Jones, who was reading a new case file and asked, "So, what's the next case?"

"Well, after what we've been through last time, this case is not as gruesome. In fact, they want us over at the docks right away," Jones explained and the two of them left the station and headed for the dockyard.

While they were driving to the docks, Jones saw Marie was wearing a new badge and this time it said, 'Detective.' Jones smiled and thought, this kid sure is moving up. Once they got there, in front of them was a man leaning against one of the crates with a deep stab wound in his gut.

Jones and Marie inspected his ID and saw his name was Dan Broke. After forensics wheeled away the body to be autopsied, Marie looked down and saw two things. One was what seemed to be the victim's wallet and the other what looked like a smashed up badge.

Marie then looked over to her partner and he said to her, "The barge driver who found Mr. Brooke's body is ready to be talked to." And Marie told him okay, but first she decided to put together the badge she found and look through the victim's wallet.

Before Marie could looked through the clues, the first thing she and Jones did was meet with James Smith, the barge driver. James explained to them that he was driving the barge back to port when he saw Dan's body on the dock. When he called out to him and he didn't answer and when James saw the blood, he freaked out and called the police immediately.

Marie asked, "Did you see anyone else on the dock Mr. Smith?"

"No, the dock was deserted. All I saw was the body," James answered and they thanked him for his help and they'll keep in touch.

After talking with James, they went back to the station so Marie can look at the clues she found and the first one she did was the badge. Once the badge was put back together, Marie saw that the front of it was a skull and Jones looked over her shoulder and thought, what age are we in the 80s. And Marie decided to send it to Alex for analysis.

Once the skull badge was in the lab, Marie got to work looking through the victim's wallet. After digging through it, Marie for a small strip of paper with the address '198 Elk Avenue' on it. Jones looked at the paper Marie found and he got surprised. Marie looked at him and asked, "Do you know this place, Jones?"

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