Chapter 49: All The King's Horses-Part 3

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Later at the station, Jones and Marie were watching TV from their desks when Mohammad appeared on the screen. It was then that the kid king announced that if his father's killer wasn't arrested in 24 hours, then he's gonna shit down the oil trade between Sultanistan and America. Shocked by hearing that, Jones and Marie knew that the country will collapse if there is no oil. Jones started to say sadly, "What are we gonna do Marie? We're criminal investigators! How the hell are we gonna handle an oil crisis?!"

Just then, Chief King appears before them and he said, "You both heard young Mohammad! This is a state of emergency! Come to my office immediately!"

Two minutes later in the chief's office, Marie asked, "So what do you want to talk about sir?"

"I'm gonna be honest with you Marie. If the young king goes through with his threats, the economical consequences will be catastrophic foe our country! I'm afraid that the stakes have never been higher and the murder of a king in our city cannot go unpunished! The whole world is watching, so I hope you'll be up to the task to catch this killer," Chief King explained to the two of them.

Jones started to sweat nervously and he said, "Of course sir! We will succeed, right Marie? I guess we have to go and find young Mohammad first! If I remember, the last two places that he's been seen are the steps of City Hall and his personal bedroom. What do you say we head there Marie." And soon, the two officers set out to find the young king.

The first place they looked at was Mohammad's personal bedroom. After looking around for a while, they concluded that Mohammad wasn't there, but Marie found a torn sheet of paper that looked promising. Once she put the paper together, the two of them saw that it was covered with BunnyBot drawings. When Jones and Marie read it, they noticed that it was the same speech that was delivered on TV. They also noticed someone wrote corrections in red and it said, 'No Your Highness, you cannot mention BunnyBot when you deliver your speech!'

They started to wonder who would mention that, but as they were wondering, young Mohammad's voice shrieked at them angrily, "What are you doing here peasants?! Have you transformed yourselves into housekeepers?!"

Marie looked at the young king and said, "We're sorry for the intrusion Your Highness, but we were looking for you. We would like to talk to you if you don't mind."

"Forget it! Why are you in my room anyway?! I've had enough of this place and I want to go home! At least my country has a BunnyBot land and you don't even have one," Mohammad stated angrily.

Jones placed his hands on his hips, glared down at Mohammad and said to him, "You're gonna have to Answer our questions first Your Highness. Otherwise, Marie here will confiscate your favorite BunnyBot toy."

After he heard that, the young king ran over to his bed and grabbed a stuffed BunnyBot off of it and hugged it tightly. He then cried, "You can't take him away from me! BunnyBot's my only friend and he brings me good luck! I will die if you take him away from me! Doesn't matter though, I'll tell everything to Hilda anyway. She's sweet, she corrects my speeches and she even teaches me how to ride a horse with these funny bug black boots." And Mohammad lifted his robe up to show the officers his boots.

Mohammad then continued to explain, "She even taught me how to smoke a hookah and how to the tchoo-tchoo like BunnyBot when he's angry. You want to see how my stuffed BunnyBot figure do it? It's super awesome!"

"Okay Your Highness. You show us how your BunnyBot does the tchoo-tchoo and you cancel your threat on the oil trade agreement that you made on TV. Is that a deal?" Jones asked.

However, Mohammad saw through the trick and he said angrily, "You've gotta be stupid! You really think I would fall for that?! Hurry up and find my dad's killer cause the clock is ticking!"

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