Part 21

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Staz's family called him in the middle of the night. Wondering where he was. It was really early though, like 3am. Which you would think they would call way earlier. Like 8pm or something. It was weird, and a little obnoxious because we have school and whatnot.
But once he hung up the phone;

"Why're they calling this early?"

"They wanted to know where I was."

"Did they not know you were here?"

"Not really."

"So you didnt ask?"

"No? I'm almost 18, I think I should be able to have more freedom than I do."

"That's not how it works, babe."

"Yeah, but I should learn how to make my own decisions, not have my parents make them for me."

"Whatever you say."

I rolled over and went back to sleep, and in the morning Staz was in the floor.


I haven't talked to Staz in a couple days... We've both been busy I guess. My mother is making me do a church mission that's gonna involve me going to Texas. I have to be there for two weeks. My mother said 

"It'll be good for you. You've been spending most of your time with Staz and Alondra anyway, its time to try something new."

I don't know, I can't remember most of what she said. 

I rolled my eyes. 

I don't know how to explain it to Staz either... How do I bring it up to him anyway? I texted him to come over.


He showed up within 15 minutes and my mother let him in and then he came up to my room. 

"You texted?" 

"Yeah, I wanted to hang out." 

Staz stood for a minute and then shut the door. As soon as he did he walked over to me while taking off his shirt and then sat on top of me;


He started to kiss my neck,

"Staz, this isn't what I meant... By hang out..."

He sat up.

"Oh. Yeah I thought it was were you wanted to make out while your family is home." 

"Yeah, about that... I'm leaving."


"I'm sorry can you put your shirt back on?"

"Okay, but explain why you're leaving?" 

"Well; my mother is making me go on a two week mission to Texas." 


"Its a church thing." 

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