chapter 4

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 Its been 3 days sitting at home staring at the same disgustingly pink walls. What was I thinking? Seriously a soft pink on my walls. I never even liked soft pink but..... Jolie did. She's the one who painted it with me in sixth grade.

    Tomorrow will be my first day back to school from the accident. And I won't be going back with my best friend. A tear was threatening my eyes. But I refuse to sit here get fat and mope around.

I get a knock on the front door. I scott to the edge of my bed I grabbed my crutches and wobble my way downstairs. Shockingly its Zaire.

He's wearing a white T and a hoodie covering it in sweats and the hottest messy hair. His face was serious like the first time I met him. But he still hella fine.

"I'm not playing any loud music this time." I say sarcastically. He gives the most sexiest eye roll, that sent my heart turning. Rolling my eyes I step aside to let him in.

"Nice place you got here".

"What's up Zaire?"

"Just came to check up on you"
"Really now? What happen to you? I haven't seen you for a week?"

"Miss me angel?" he said with a wink.
"Don't make me gag"
It went silent for awhile.

"What happened that night?" I ask
He looks guilty bowing his head and looking at the floor. He didn't say anything.
"Hello answer me I'm not talking to myself"!
"Um I need to go" he says backing away.
" oh no you don't!" I grab a hand full of his shirt and pull him closer to me. "Spill" I snap looking him straight in the eye. He looked down at me with a suprised expression. "Tell.Me.Now."

Grabbing my hand and pushing it aside he spoke "just as my uncle told you I found you and carried you back." His face looks so cold.He turns around to open my door but I grab his hand. There so cold.

"You and your family are hiding something. I KNOW what I saw. I saw jolie, colorful eggs, a giant monster, and that white haired woman. I'm not taking that BS of a story."

   Chuckling he looks and smiles at me. "Are you high Cherise? I mean seriously colorful eggs and monsters?" Stomping the ground like a child having a tantrum I yell. "I actually saw all of this. I'm not high!" He was flat out laughing in my face now.
"Ok so maybe you hit your head harder than the doctor realized?" he managed to get out with all his laughing. I'm taking anymore of this embarrassment. I can feel my face getting redder. "Well you know the way out" I say.

  I roll my eyes as I look up at the stairs ahead of me. Sighing I decided to make my long excruciating trip up the stairs with my broken leg and crutches. I felt an arm around my waist lifting my feet from the ground. I was in Zaires arms being carried up the stairs. I could feel my face heating up.

   Despite the fact we are at the top of the stairs I am still in his arms.
"Where to?"
"Umm.." Was all I could manage to get out.
"The living room?" he asked raising his perfect black eye brows.
"" I squeak out.
"Embarrassed?" he says looking down at me
"No what makes you say that?" I snap.
"Nothing just your red face" he says
 Who said black people don't turn red I thought to myself.
He sits me down on our grey couch and plops right next to me.
 I guess I should at least get to know him since he is already here. "So what brings you to Atlanta?"

He shifts uncomfortably and crosses his arms.
"None of your business" he snaps.
OK I put my hands up in surrender.

I pick up the remote and turn on the TV. I flip through the channels and land on Spongebob. I don't care how old I am Spongebob will always be the bomb.

"Really Spongebob?" He huffed.

"You can always leave." I say without looking at him. He didn't respond to me. After a few minutes of silence I turn to him.

"You know who you remind me of"?

"Who?" He grunts out sounding annoyed.

"You remind me of Squidward."

He turns and glares at me.


"Because your so grumpy and mean."

"Do you know who you remind me of?" I feel a sinking feeling in my gut.

"You remind me of the Gremlins."

"Gremlins?" I say with my mouth hitting the ground.

"Yeah just like you they seem cute when you walk up to them but you're really a mean fiesty little thing."

"I am not mean." I snap. I cross my arms and roll my eyes.

"You also got an attitude."

"Excuse me? Who the hell are you to judge me anyways."

"You started it. "

"Only because you're always so cold to me." I pick up a pillow that was next to me and threw it at his head. That's what you get for being a jerk."

Zaire's face changed. "Uh oh." I try to crawl to the other end of the couch but he grabs my ankle. The one without the cast thank god. I try to tug my ankle out of his grasp but he holds it there.
"Where do you think your going?"
I think I might have made him mad. Kneeling on the couch he hovered over me with a pillow. He picked up a pillow and beat me nonstop with it. I couldn't help the laughter that slipped through my lips. Beating him with my hands I tried to get him to stop but it was futile. Zaire.Stop.I'm.Dying.Here.
He finally stopped for what felt like forever.

  It went silent but not an awkward silence. For the first time he doesn't look cold and mean instead when I look into his beautiful eyes all I can see is how warm and mysterious it is. He looked back into my plain chocolate brown ones. His eyes seemed like they were searching over my face. First his eyes met mine and reached my pink big lips. His body was over mine on the couch. His hair hung over his head in a cute messy way. I wanted to kiss his big lips. They were so tempting.

  It looked as if he wanted to kiss me. He leaned down and got closer to my face. Then I heard something. I turned to face the TV. Jolie's face was plastered on the the televeision.

A short Asian woman was reporting a story.

15 year old teen missing Jolie Monique. Last seen on ski trip with the school. Parents speak out about their missing daughter. 

"Please I just want my baby home safe and sound. She's a good girl she and she deserves to be home with me. Mrs.Monique could barely finish what she was saying before she burst out into full out sobbing. It looked as if she hadn't slept in days. Can you clame her, her only daughter is missing and she has no clue why. 

Jolie looked just like her mom. Her mom had red long hair pretty blue eyes and super model tall. "The young teen was last seen in her-"but before she could finish Zaire turned the TV off.

"What the hell Zaire!"
"You shouldn't be watching this." 

"It really your place to tell me what I'm aloud to watch especially since you want to keep me in the dark."

"I already told you what happened."

The anger towards Zaire that I kept in for about a week had finally let loose.I can't believe I was going to kiss this guy. I stood from the couch and grabbed my crutches. Tears filled my eyes now. If he thinks I'm going to let him slide with this b.s. of a story he had another thing coming. I make my way to the counter top and grab my keys. I ca hear Zaire jump from the sound of my keys.
"Where do you think you're going."
The nerve of this guy." Where ever the hell I want to go!" Sligging my purse over my shoulder I hobbled down the stairs. I opened the door to meet the icy cold wind gushing in my face. I slam the door shut behind me and head for my car. I'm at my car when in the corner of my eye I spot white hair over to my left. I turn to see her...the woman from the mountain.

A/N Notice how I was going to make them kiss but I didn't want their first kiss to be this early so you'll just have to read more to see when or if they kiss.

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