chapter 5

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A/N OK so this is extra short. Just letting you know. For a first book I think its going alright right now. I think. OK I'm done enjoy. Love ya!

More anger boiled inside of me. I wobble my way through the uncut rose bush that separated my yard and Zaire's. The woman didn't seem to notice me so I continue to their house. I hear my door open and Zaire calling my name. But I ignore him and keep hobbling my way over. The woman is now in the house with me right behind her.

I don't know what I expected Zaire's house to look like but it wasn't this. I walked around his house looking at the big pictures that hung from the wall. The people in the portraits were dressed very nicely. The lights in here are dimmed and it is possibly like 800 degrees in here. I'm sweating. I come to a door and push it open.

 I see the woman from outside. I don't think she sees me. It is funny watching her stuff her face with bread. Her mouth looks like chipmunk cheeks. I chuckle at the sight. Her head turns to me so fast and her eyes wide open. "Um hi." I wave a little. She blinks at me a few times and swallows the bread she's eating. Zaire pops right behind me grabbing my arm.

"Let go!" I snap. Pulling my arm from him. 

I see him try to reach for my waist. "Boi I already told you to stop once!" Pushing his chest as hard as I can I actually get him to stumble. 

"Don't touch me!"
"Lets go NOW cherry!"
"Not until I get answers." I point to the woman who now had another piece of bread stuffed in her cheeks. "I thought you said I was just crazy! But then I see the same woman from the mountain at YOUR house!'
He didn't say anything.

"What cat caught your tongue!?"

The door open to a small voice that I recognize. She pushed the door open yawning and rubbing her eyes. 

"Will you guys shut up" she yells. "You've been doing this since I got here." I look past Zaire to see her standing in the doorway. Tears gather around my eyes and fall down my cheek. "What is she doing here?"

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