chapter 19 my bffs love

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Cherise POV

The other night with Zaire was fun but I don't remember going to my bed. Somehow I woke up there. I don't even remember falling asleep during the movie. The last thing I remember is being pist with him for scarying me. He thought it was wasn't . But anyways I need to tell jolie about me and Zaire. We haven't even talked since she got back home.

I called her on my cell.
Jolie: hey whats up?
Me: I have so much shit I need to tell you.
Jolie: we need to meet at starbucks in like 20 because I need to talk to you too.

Hanging up the phone I grab my wallet and go to the bathroom to put on some makeup. A little mascara and lipstick. I put on my cute long sleeve black shirt, burgundy leggings and black fur top boots.

Jolie walks in the coffee shop with a sloppy bun. Hey love there is so much I must tell you she says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Do you think Zaire is cute?"

"Yea duhhh."

"Oh my god I know right....I think he likes me." My heart sinks.

"Why would you think thatl?"

"Cherise you should have seen the way he cared for me while I was sick. He told me things he would never tell anyone else. I would tell you but he told me not to say anything to first I was thinking eh I don't know about Zaire he's kind of cold....but thats just his personality."

"He's not cold to me. He's actually prettu nice to me."

"He isn't? Do you even know his personality he's just being nice to you cause he's nice to everyone."

"Yes I do know his personality. He's caring, thoughtful, a little imposing but he's a great guy."

"Ohhh sweety do yourself a favor stop falling for him.....he's out of your league."

"What makes you think I'm falling for him?"

"You should look at your face when you talk about him. It lights up and cheeks are as red as I am in the summer. You're falling for him and your just going to get hurt."

"I'm not going to get hurt."

"You're, cause he likes me."

"Did he say that?"

"Yes he did actually."

"Jolie your vintie berry tea is ready!" The barista yells out.

She plops her ass back in the chair and looks at me with pitty. "Why are you looking at me like some sad puppy?"

"Because I know you like guys who end up not liking you and honestly you deserve better."

"I don't really actually like him. He's just been there for me since the accident. Thats all."

"Good I don't want you to fall for someone who isn't into you....on that note do you know if he has a girlfriend?"

"As far as I know he does not have a girlfriend."


Taking a sip of her tea "so what is it you wanted to tell me?" Instead of telling her about Zaire I tell her how Luke was being a dick. I drink all my caramel frap and look at my phone.

It is almost 7. "Its about time for me to go Jolie."

" Aww really."

" Yeah you know how my mom is girl."

"True that." she says nodding her head.

"Ok bye babe!" she says blowing me a kiss then going back to her phone playing "the floor is lava". As soon as I get in my red buggy I couldn't help all my insecurities I tried to keep hidden.

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