chapter 16 new girl

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A/N OK so this chapter is a little more explicit soooooo yeah read at your own risk!

Cherry's POV

Its been 2 weeks since Zaire told me I was his girlfriend. I like the way that sounds I think to myself. But we haven't done anything since the movies. Maybe I'm just rushing a little. I don't know.

Who the hell are you talking to? Tatiana says taking a seat in my bean bag chair.
"Where do you think Zaire will take me on our next date?"

"How am I suppose to know where Zaire is taking you?"

"I don't know? Your my friend doesn't you should know this."
"Don't worry about it Cherry I'm sure he has something planned."
"Yeah I hope you're right."
"Ok well my mom's here I gotta go."
Ok bye Tete
Bye Cherry.

Cherise I'm home! I hope you're ready for tumbling. Yeah I'm ready I'll be right out! I can't be late for tumbling again. Jerry will make sure I condition extra harder if I am.


Crashing onto my floor I could feel every bone in my body ache. The shower felt great after practice but I was still in pain. Shit even though I came on time Jerry still made me condition. I dozed off a little and then a knock came to my door. Who is it I said in a dazey sleepy tone.


"you're not naked are you?"

"Come in" I say weakly.

Without looking up I could tell he came in.
"Whats wrong with you?" his tone seemed amused.
"Lets see my tumbling coach is a workout crazy freak, making me and 5 poor innocent girls do burpees, planks, pushups, and curl ups."
"Stop being a baby he says chuckling. Why don't you just get in your bed?"
"Because I tried and I just collapsed on the floor and I decided why not spend the night down here. Its really not that bad." I say rubbing my soft carpet."
"You'll just be in more pain in the morning."
"True true." I turn on my back lift my hands in the air and poke my lips out like a little toddler.
"God you're such a baby."
"Yeah but I'm your baby now pick me up." I say whining.
He sighs and rolls his eyes but picks me up anyways and lays me in my bed. I patted the spot next to me indicating for him to sit here.
He lays down next to me wrapping his arm around me.
Zaire picked up my picture frame next to me. "Who's this?" he says pointing to a black girl with black curlys and a darker skin tone than me. "My sister Chandler."
"I didn't know you had a sister."
"Good anytime anyone meets her its like I'm invisible." I started laughing to myself but in a small sad way.
"Why haven't I ever seen her?"
"Well my mom and her don't really get along so she decided to move in with our father. I'm not really a fan of my father though. He lives here in Atlanta so she goes to the rival school."

"Why do you think you're so invisible?"

"The fact that everything I do she does way better. Everything just comes easy to her. I have to work at evrything I do. Everyone's always around her and they think she is more fun than I am. I agree with them though. She is more fun than I am."
"I don't think that."
"Well you haven't met my sister. "Besides my mom even said so herself. I mean not exactly that but she said how she'll do better in high school than I will. I hate how people compare us. We're two different people I don't want someone comparing us." Zaire doesn't say anything else, we sit in Silence for the rest of the day.

Next day

The talk of the school is about some new girl who is drop dead gorgeous. That's all I hear. She must be gorgeous considering no one ever really gets rowled up about someone new. I mean why would they? It isn't some big deal. Tatiana, Mannie, and Chloe were talking about her too. I honestly just want to meet her so I can actually see what people are talking about. The bell rings sending us all our separate ways.

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