Chapter 13

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[Kousei's POV]

I have learned two things tonight.

1: Tsubaki has anger issues
2: I ruined her life

Maybe I should just give the girl a chance. It wouldn't hurt to go on one date..would it? Either way, it would make her happy and possibly make her smile again. That's what I want anyways. Breathe Kousei. "Tsubaki, how would you like to go on a date with me this Saturday?" I asked. She glared at me. "Stop messing with me" she said sternly. "Tsubaki I'm serious" I said giving her a reassuring look. "Maybe we should discuss this tomorrow when I'm not tired and wearing wet clothes" she said. I chuckled. "Yeah, that would be a good idea."

I was so tired when I went to school today. I couldn't get to sleep because of Tsubaki's shenanigans last night. All I did was stare at the ceiling wondering what would happen today.

When school was over, I walked home like I usually would with Watari and Tsubaki. I liked the thought of things going back to the way they were. Sadly, that was not the case at the moment. At this rate, I don't even know if we're all going to stay friends. By we, I mean Tsubaki and I. If things don't go her way she'll become stubborn; more than she already is.

I wish that I could return her feelings but I can't. You can't just fall in love with someone when you're still not over the last person. That's not how it works. Developing new feelings for someone else takes time, time that I don't have. I'm going to be moving away soon which means that I'll be a bit of a distance away from my friends.

Tsubaki, forgive me.

[Tsubaki's POV]

I can't go on a date with Kousei. That would be embarrassing. If he asks me again today, I'll just have to say no. Besides, why would I go out with someone who has no interest in me what so ever...

Because you want to make them fall in love with you. Of course! I can go on this date, change my appearance again (but keep it simple this time), and be completely irresistible. Yes! That is what I'll do. That way Kousei won't be able to reject me. I'm a genius!

"Tsubaki" Watari said knocking me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, what's up?" I asked. "You've been awfully quiet. Usually you have a mouthful to say" he chuckled. "I'm just thinking about my future" I tell him. I didn't completely lie. I'm planning to make this date a success. And the date is in the future
"Future with who?" Watari asked with a smirk. I saw Kousei blush. "You're so annoying" I yelled at Watari. He began laughing hysterically. "Ahh, young love." "Watari!" Kousei and I both said in sync. "Okay, I'll stop" he said before he began laughing again.

"Stop laughing!" I said while lightly pushing him. "I can't stop!" He said running around like an idiot.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm even friends with him. Oh well..

"Wait for me!" I shouted running after him. "Hey! Slow down" Kousei said catching up to us.

We're all idiots.

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