Chapter 29

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[Miyuki's POV]

"I'm in love with you Arima"

I watched as Kousei looked at me with disbelief visible in his eyes. "How? Why? When?" Well that hurts. "Miyuki, how do you know that you're in love with me? Are you sure that it isn't just a small crush that you'll eventually get over? I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or anything b-but I already love someone a-and-"

"I already know. You love Tsubaki. I can tell just by the way that you look at her, that's she's the subject of your thoughts. I get it. No need to rub it in"

"B-but why?"

"Why what?"

"What made you feel this way about me?"

"It's hard to explain. Everything about you is just-Ugh I don't have to explain anything to you Kousei"

He let out a long sigh. "What did I do to deserve this life?" He spoke aloud. "Don't you go playing the victim! You led me on and you know it!" I yelled. "What?! I never 'led you on'. I was just acting how a normal friend would" he protested. "Fine. Since you won't admit that this is all your fault, I'm leaving" I said standing up and walking away.

That Kousei will be all over me once I'm done. He doesn't have a choice.

[Tsubaki's POV]

"Put me down!" I demanded while squirming around in the guard's arms. He completely ignored me and continued to carry me. "What the hell are you doing?! When I get my hands on you you'll-"

"Settle down Sawabe" my principal spoke in a harsh tone. I groaned. After a few minutes of walking, we were in his office. "Set her down" he said. The school safety guy sat me down in a chair across from the principals' desk. "Tsubaki.." He said sounding very stern. "I hope you know that what you've done is very unacceptable."

I put my head down feeling ashamed. It's not my fault though. She said such mean things about Kousei and I just couldn't take it. I was somewhat... triggered? I don't know.

I just can't stand it when people try to put others down. It's not right.

"You had no right to lay a finger on that poor girl. She's so kind and sweet. She didn't deserve to be treated in such an aggressive manner." I groaned but kept my mouth shut. "As you already know, there will be consequences for your actions Tsubaki" he said. I nodded slightly. "Well you should head to class now. We'll finish this conversation later." When do I ever get a say in anything? I stood up and walked out heading to class.

That's when I saw her.

That son of a —

"Hello Tsubaki. You miss me already? How adorable" she said with that disgusting grin on her face. "I'm sorry but I don't to people with beaks. It's not really...normal" I told her. She raised an eyebrow at me. "You're a freaking weirdo" she stated. I smirked.

"I could've sworn that you were mother goose. Maybe I need my eyes checked."

I put on my invisible glasses and glanced back at her. "Nope, you still look like a goose." I walked off and went into my class.

I waited anxiously for school to end as I glanced at the clock. Only five more minutes and I'm out of here.

"Here's the mean girl who said I looked like a goose!" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned my head and she walked up to me. "Daddy, she hurt my feelings" she 'cried' while pointing her finger in my face.

Silence filled the room.

"So you're the infamous Tsubaki?" A tall man asked me. I rolled my eyes at him. "If you're here to make me apologize then you can just leave. Miyuki is an awful person and I can never forgive her for what she's done to me and my boy- I mean friend."

He raised a finger to his chin. "Is that so?" "Yes it is sir." The man then grabbed me up and pulled me out of the classroom.

"You're gonna regret that."

"Try me."

And that's when I knew that my life was changing for the worse.

Yay a new update! It's been so long guys. Sorry for such the long wait and how short this is. I'll start working on the next chapter as soon as possible so I don't have to make you guys suffer again 😅 and ooh a cliffhanger. Anyways I know this chapter is trash and all but I tried.

Until next time...


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