Chapter 31

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[Narrator's POV]

Watari waited for his friends to walk far enough for him to sneak away. He headed home with a frown on his face. He felt as if he was only in the way of them. A third wheel. No, actually worse than that. Both Kousei and Tsubaki were his closest friends and their friendship meant everything to him but he just couldn't take it anymore. He didn't want to keep giving up things that were precious to him for Kousei's sake.

First Kaori and now Tsubaki.

He knew that you don't choose who you fall in love with but he still felt a bit angry. And maybe a little envious. Why?

Because whenever he loses something, Kousei gains something.

"Maybe we'll be better off if I just keep my distance for a while" he thought.

[Kousei's POV]

I continued listening to Tsubaki ramble on about random topics until I realized something. Where's Watari? Oh no! He probably felt left out and went home. How could we be so inconsiderate?? We dragged him out here and completely ignored him. I feel really bad now.

"Tsubaki, Watari left" I said, cutting her off. Tsubaki widened her eyes and stayed silent for a while before speaking. "Do you think... he's upset with us?" She asked. I nodded before looking down. "Should we go apologize to him?"

"Not right now. Knowing Watari, he probably doesn't want to be bothered at the moment"

I couldn't help but sigh at that but she is right. If we go see him right now he'll probably ask us to leave or not even open the door. I feel bad now. Poor Watari. I wish that I could make all of my friends happy with a snap of my finger but this is reality and nothing about life is easy.

[Watari's POV]

I can't believe that they could just forget about me like that. I respect their feelings for one another but they could at least acknowledge my feelings as well. Even if I don't say anything I'm still affected heavily by all of this. I know it's not my place to feel upset but I can't help it.

I was knocked out of my thoughts (literally) when I bumped into someone. When I looked up I saw that it was...




"How convenient that I bump into you here. You're just the guy I was looking for" she says, placing a hand in my shoulder. I shrug her off and continue walking until I am yanked backwards. Miyuki holds onto my sleeve and begs for me not to go.

"Please Watari; you're my last hope. If you don't help me Kousei will never talk to me again. I need you, Watari. I. Need. You."

She needs me?

Someone actually needs me?

Well that's a new one.

"If you're thinking that I'll help you ruin things between Kousei and Tsubaki you're very mistaken. I definitely will not do such a thing. They're my friends and-"

"Are they really? Didn't they pretty much abandon you" Miyuki said, cutting me off. I wouldn't exactly call it abandonment. "No they did not abandon me and even if they did it doesn't concern you. Now go away" I say, making a shooing motion with my hand to dismiss her.

She didn't seem too happy after I said that.

Miyuki groaned then out of nowhere I felt a rush of pain in my foot. "Ahh abuse! Abuse I say!" I yelled. She smiled innocently and continued to step on my foot, refusing to get off no matter how much I pleaded.

If this was supposed to make me help her this isn't the most efficient strategy.

Finally having enough of Miyuki's games, I lifted her up then placed her onto her feet making sure that she was away from my own. "I think we are done here so I'll get going now" I told her before continuing to make my way home. To my surprise she didn't even try to follow me. I guess it's my lucky day.

Wait, no it isn't. I still have to deal with being a third wheel and that's not lucky at all. Not in the slightest. Curse me and these stupid feelings of mine! And curse love altogether!

Okay, maybe don't curse love. It's a beautiful thing when it actually goes correctly but as of right now it isn't going very well for me. Why did I have to have feelings for Tsubaki out of all people?? If I had fallen for someone who didn't have another love interest it would be much easier. But then those two are my best friends.

I have absolutely no chance.

Maybe, just maybe, I'll fall for someone else.

I hope so.

I'm a terrible author, I know. Not updating again for half a year. I'm really sorry about that. Once again my writer's block had gotten the best of me and I lost all motivation to update y'know? I have that motivation back now so I'll be updating a LOT more. Plus, I have a lot to catch up on. The chapters are a bit short so I'll try and make them a bit longer too.

This chapter isn't that great but *cough* plot development!

Also, I give everyone permission to kill me if you'd like xD

Until next time...


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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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