Chapter 16

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[Tsubaki's POV]

I Placed my hand on my cheek where he kissed me. My mind and body were paralyzed. I couldn't even think straight. I just stared forward, not looking at anything in particular. When did he..? Kousei came over and waved his hand in front of my face. "Tsubaki?" He said sounding worried. I shook my head as if I was snapping back into reality. "I-I didn't. W-what? How? When d-did. Huh?" I was so confused. I probably sounded like an alien. "Are you alright?" Kousei asked sounding just as confused as I was.

I stood there in silence and reality hit me. "What the hell was that?! Why did he do that?? Why?? Kousei, why?" I panicked. "I have no clue what just happened myself" he replied shrugging his shoulders. "Well we better get going. We're so late for class!"

It was time for lunch and Watari was nowhere to be found. I started getting worried. I pulled out my phone and sent him a text.

Tsubaki: Where are you?

There. Now all I have to do is wait.

|10 minutes later|

Ugh, where is he?! It's shouldn't take ten minutes to text someone back. Idiot. He probably feels awkward talking to you. Yeah, that's definitely it.. I hope. I began panicking. "Kousei, what do I do??" I asked anxiously. "Calm down. Watari is perfectly fine. He probably just needed time alone" Kousei told me. I nodded and tried to relax. I sat still for a few seconds but then I began panicking again.

Idiot, please be okay.

[Watari's POV]

I stared at the message that I was sent.

Tsubaki: Where are you?

I wanted to respond but I just didn't have the guts to do it. I guess that makes me a...coward. But I really just needed some time alone. The roof of the school is definitely a great thinking place. Especially when you're the only one up there.

I took a bite into my sandwich and closed my eyes, enjoying the cool breeze. Out of nowhere, the door flew open. There stood the great Tsubaki. She spotted me and went into a rage. I'm dead. She stomped over to me and slapped me. I'm getting really tired of getting slapped around. "You idiot! You had me worried sick!" She growled. So was so upset that her eyes were practically red. "I was literally freaking out! And the nerve of you to ignore my message. You-"

"I'm sorry" I told her. She sighed and placed me onto my feet. "I must've gotten carried away again" she said awkwardly. "Ya' think? I thought my life was in danger" I exclaimed. She laughed. "Why did you kiss me?" She asked out of the blue. I stiffened up. I opened my mouth to say something but the words wouldn't come out.

"Come on, Tell me. Was it a dare or something?" She asked. I shook my head. "Then why'd you do it?" I hesitated on whether I should tell her or not. "I did it because I uh..knew that it would stop me from getting punched. It didn't mean anything at all" I lied. She nodded. Then she engulfed me in a hug. "Remember when you hugged me just like this?" She asked. I nodded. "That was a while back" I replied. "Yeah. but that was still a horrible day" She said with a frown. "For you and me. I had to witness all of that..and you hit me" I chuckled.

Tsubaki let go of me and walked back over to the door. "Come on. Lunch will be over soon and I still haven't eaten" she whined. I smiled at how cute she was. She's reminds me of a chili pepper. Smooth and straight forward on the outside and explosive on the inside. The perfect combo.

~Skip to after school~

[3rd person POV]

Later on in the day the three teens went their separate ways. Tsubaki went home to do her homework, Watari had soccer practice, and Kousei went to pick up groceries. They all seemed to be busy at the moment. Well, kind of. The truth is, none of them were too busy to have fun while doing it.

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