Chapter 23

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[Tsubaki's POV]

I woke up in someone's arms. I was about to jump up but then realized that it was Kousei. That explains why this person was so soft. I giggled at the long strand of his hair that fell onto my forehead and ticked me. "Kousei wake up" I said shaking him lightly. No response. "Wake up Kousei" I said shaking him with a little more force.

That's it...


Kousei jolted up and hit his head in the process. "Ow!" he whimpered. I shook my head and crawled out, Kousei following behind. We both took a deep breath and stretched. "I had a long night" Kousei spoke aloud before coughing. I realized that I was still wearing his jacket and stiffened up. "Here" I said taking it off and giving it to him. "You need it more than me." Kousei sighed and shrugged me off. "I'm fine" he obviously lied. I made a face at him and he immediately took it and put it on. "Happy now?" He asked sounding annoyed and I nodded.

The ground was still wet and there seemed to be a lot of fog everywhere. "We better get home before my mom freaks out" I told him. "I think it's too late for that" he said smirking. He then took my hand and we began running home. "I hope she doesn't kill us."

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU TWO!" My loving mother screamed as we walked through the door. "Mom there was a storm. It was so bad that we couldn't go home" I explained. "Yeah right. You guys just wanted alone time. That's why none of you answered your phones." Kousei and I gasped. "That's not the case at all!" Kousei and I said in sync. She furrowed her eyebrows. Then she sighed. "Okay. I'm going to believe you this one time. I should be able to trust you guys" she said with a weak smile. Kousei and I both nodded.

"Anyways..." I started. "Can Kousei stay here for a little bit?" Kousei gave me a look of disbelief as well as my mom. She hesitated to give me a response. Kousei was about to walk away but I caught his hand. My mother let out a sigh. "Fine. But no funny business" she said. I nodded and Kousei gaped.

I chuckled and pulled him upstairs.

"Um Tsubaki, you do realize that it's early in the morning right?" He asked. I nodded. "It's only for a little while" I said pushing him into my room. He let out a yawn and just gave in. I walked over to my bed and lied on my back. I then took my shoes off and let them fall to the floor. "I'm exhausted" I sighed. "Yeah same" Kousei said walking over to me. In the process, he tripped over my shoe and fell.

Out of instinct I closed my eyes as I felt something land on me. "Ow, Kousei what have you-" I opened my eyes and saw a flustered Kousei hovering over me. His face was glowing red. I'm pretty sure that I was blushing as well.

[Kousei's POV]

When I looked down my eyes met Tsubaki's brown ones. I wanted to move but at the same time I wanted to stay. Stupid teenage hormones. I tried to say something but the words refused to escape my lips. "K-Kousei?"

I don't know what I was thinking but before I knew it I was leaning in. My eyes were closed and so were hers. A few seconds later our lips connected and it didn't feel like it did any other time. It felt..different.

Almost perfect.

Tsubaki grabbed a fistful of my shirt and turned more red than before. I quickly pulled away from her and stepped backwards until my back hit the wall. "I'm sorry Tsubaki. I shouldn't have done that I-"

"You dummy."

Tsubaki walked over to me and engulfed me in a hug. "I'm pretty sure that were both equally guilty" she said chuckling. "You're not mad at me?" I asked. She shook her head. "It's just a kiss. It's not like we did something wrong. I'm just not used to...that kind of kiss ya' know."

How is she so calm about it? Am I overreacting? I guess I am.

"I'm bringing a snack for you g- AHH WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

"Mom, you're overreacting!" Tsubaki shouted. Apparently her mom walked in on us hugging. "I knew you were up to no good!" She protested. "It's a hug! What's so bad about a hug?!" Tsubaki asked. "You had Kousei on the wall!" Her mother exclaimed. I wonder how she would've reacted if she saw what happened before this.

"M-Miss Sawabe, Tsubaki is right. She just gave me a hug. That's all that happened" I told her. She looked at me then Tsubaki. "Okay fine. But don't try anything you two." We nodded and she placed down a plate of rice balls. Then she walked out.

That was scary.

I'm soooooooo sorry that I haven't updated in forever and I'm soooooooo sorry that this chapter is so short. I haven't had time for really anything lately because of school and all but I'll try to put more effort into this story because it sucks so far😭 Also don't forget to comment, vote, and share...or not. But anyways,

Until next time...


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