chapter two: red

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WHEN JOSH'S last class finally rolls around that next day he's practically falling out of his chair in boredom.  Despite his failing grades there for motivation he can't bring himself to focus on the teacher. After this hour he'll walk back to his dorm with Pete, Patrick and Joe to get ready and meet up with Hayley.

He keeps his friends and his fellow prefixes friendships' separate.

It's not that he has any secrets or acts differently, his friends are just more rowdy and loud compared to the more uptight, preppy lifestyle of his roommates. Josh honestly has no idea how he was accepted into the prefix position, but he doesn't complain, it looks gorgeous on college applications.

The bell rings, startling Josh from where his head is tucked under his book. He jumps up alongside Pete and as they make it to the door his teacher calls out.

"Mr. Dun? Could I speak with you a moment please?" Josh looks to Pete who nods and motions that he'll be waiting outside with Patrick and Joe. Josh approaches his teacher.

"Uh, yes Mrs. Andrews?" She shuffles a paper before looking at him with a sigh.

"Joshua I've had you as a student for four years now and not once have your grades dropped this low. I know its senior year but that's no excuse, Ohio State can still revoke its scholarship." Josh gulps as he bows his head in shame.

"Yes ma'am, I'm sorry. I'll work harder I promise." She nods and pats his shoulder.

"You're a good kid Josh, I don't want to see you fail. God knows picking Ohio State wasn't enough now you're gonna be a bum too!" Josh laughs at his teachers joke. Mrs. Andrews was very disappointed when her favorite student told her he was travelling all the way to America to go to a college such as Ohio State but she doesn't bug him about it much.

"Okay, thank you Mrs. Andrews."

"Bye bye now darling." When Josh finds his way outside he's instantly bombarded with questions to which he answers shortly. If the other prefixes found out about his grades he'd surely be removed from his position and he can't afford to jeopardize his scholarship.

They're half way back to their dorm when Pete suddenly stops.

"-and I told her that it wouldn't work because Harvard is very far away and-"

"Stop." Pete's voice cuts Joe off sternly as all four boys come to a standstill. Following his gaze Josh finds that he's staring at a boy whose back is turned to them, a bright red scarf wrapped around his neck.

He's a sharp contrast in a school full of greys and blues. Josh admires it for a moment before Pete slaps his forearm.

"J, go tell the punk that his scarf is dress code." With a rushed nod Josh walks across the commons to where the boy stands, hanging a flyer.

"H-hello." He greets and the boy turns around.

Doe eyes and button nose, rosy cheeks and chocolate hair. He smiles, wishbone teeth and full lips.

"Hi." He seems cheery enough, his usual uniform is topped with a large black coat and the red scarf Pete seems to hate. He waits patiently for Josh's response, his eyes expectant as Josh clears his throat.

"Uh, I'm Josh."

"Tyler." They don't shake hands, only exchange smiles. With a blush Tyler looks to his hands before his doe eyes widen and he pushes a flyer against Josh's chest. "Here!" It's advertising a charity advent in a few weeks.

"Thanks but actually I came to tell you that you're dress code." Slowly Tyler's smile fades and Josh feels a tad bit bad for being the cause of it.

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