chapter sixteen: 407

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JOSH FINDS that he's running a lot more lately. Whether it's from his problems or house to house his feet have had quite the workout.

He's a block from Tyler's home when skids to a stop.

What is he doing? Is he really going to throw his dreams away for some boy he met a little over a month ago?

Josh wants to laugh, because Tyler isn't just some boy and those dreams aren't his dreams anymore.

The dull lifestyle, having to live like someone else has been strangling him and he's just able to admit it. Tyler makes him happy and sometimes being happy is more important than a 12 year old boys dreams.

He starts to run again.

Upon arriving he bangs on the door loudly, a very startled Kelly answering.

"Josh? What are you doing here it's getting dark out!" The boy grins widely.

"I have to tell Tyler I like him! I have to tell him that he's more important than America and my prefix job. He's more important than being dull." Slowly but surely Kelly smiles and steps aside.

"He's all yours." And Josh is dashing up the stairs, swinging Tyler's door open.

The boy is standing on a chair, a marker in hand as he writes towards the ceiling.

"Joshua?" He questions in shock, his red scarf tied in his hair like a bandana, in nothing else but basketball shorts hanging lowly on his hips.

Josh approaches the chair slowly, his confidence stripped from him.


"W-what are you doing here?" He's blushing, the sharpie falling to the carpet.

"I came to tell you that I.. I like you. I like you a lot. More than America and more than Ohio State." Tyler's eyes gleam, a smile pulling his lips open wide.

"Really?" He asks excitedly and Josh pulls him from the chair, his feet never once touching the ground as he's instantly held against Josh's toros, his dainty elbows resting on the older boys shoulder so he's still taller.

"Really really." And they're kissing and it's still the more insane feeling and Tyler's lips are the same.

Tyler's the first to pull away.

"So what now? Are we boyfriends?" He giggles and Josh smiles adoringly as he sets the boy down.

"Well, not exactly. I have to take of some things first." Tyler tilts his head curiously.

"What things?"

"First we have to lay low. If Pete finds out we're seeing each other he'll flip. Not that I mind his attitude, but you don't need to take his shit. On Wednesday we have the end of semester assembly, when that's over I can officially resign from prefix before Christmas break."

Tyler's eyes widen as he gasps, pulling away.

"What?! No! You'll lose your scholarship! Then you'll be stuck here forever and it'll be all my fault." He looks as if he's about to cry and Josh laughs.

"Tyler, the only thing waiting for me in America is more school work. I can do that here and it's free!"

"B-but your dreams-"

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