chapter eighteen: tell him

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ITS FINALLY Wednesday and Josh is putting his prefix badge on for what will be the last time. It's sad really, he'll lose a lot of privileges, but honestly at this rate he couldn't care less.

Petes talking about how even though today is the last day of school until after Christmas they still need to set an example and blah blah blah, but Josh isn't listening.

He's putting on his coat and thinking about Tyler's eyes and how he's going over to his house right after school lets out where they can officially be boyfriends.

His heart is pounding at the mere thought.

The prefixes walk together into the assembly, most of the school already inside.

Josh spots Tyler and smiles softly at the boy who blushes and waves. Brendon and Ryan are sitting right below him, Hayley and Jenna on the opposite bleachers as they come over for events like these. Monica is there to but Josh doesn't pay her any mind.

"Good morning boys and girls and welcome to the last assembly we'll have before Christmas."

Everyone cheers.

"When we come back from this break we will pick up like normal, but we are adding a cooking class for anyone who wants to take it next semester. This is also the time to go to the main office and switch any electives, apply for new ones, or dropout of clubs/leadership roles."

Only half of Josh is listening, the half of him is focused on his hands as he replays the best he and Tyler created last night.

He only looks up when the double doors on the side of the building open, Brendon and Ryan rushing out. Josh looks to Tyler whose staring back with wide eyes.

It's when Dallon gets up to follow that Josh takes action, also heading that way.

Tyler, Pete, Jenna, Hayley and Monica all trail behind them. No teachers follow as the prefixes handle these kind of things.

Brendon is crying into Ryans chest as Dallon speaks when Josh enters the hallway.

"What's going on?" He asks urgently and he can feel Tyler stand behind him, Pete and Monica in front of them by a few paces, Hayley and Jenna by the door.

"Please stop crying." Dallon begs. "Look at me please!"

"What's going on?" Josh repeats, this time more demanding.

Ryan looks over to him but doesn't speak, just closes his eyes and holds Brendon tighter as Dallon continues to plead.

"Dallon fucking Weekes what did you do?!" Josh finally screeches, Tyler jumping in shock and Pete taking a step forward.

"Josh, man you need to chill."

"Stay out of this Pete." He snaps back, and that's one mistake of many.

"I cheated okay?!" Dallon finally answers. "I cheated and I feel like shit but no matter hard I plead and beg he won't forgive me."

Josh finds his whole body begin to boil with rage. Dallon Weekes cheated on his best friend and he is not happy about it.

"I'm going to rip your throat out." He mutters and Pete interferes again.

"Josh I suggest you back away." He states and Josh glares at him.

"Did I not just tell you to fuck off?"

"Joshua?" It's Tyler's soft voice, hands trembling. "Maybe we should-"

"Please stop." Brendon chokes out. "Stop fighting!"

"Bren, please baby listen to me."

"Dallon back away from him."

"Josh, you take one more step and I'm removing you as a prefix."

Slowly but surely Josh turns to face Pete.

"Fucking do it. I was quitting today anyway." The black haired boys eyes widen.

"Stop talking to him like that." Monica suddenly interjects, her attitude swinging as she lays a hand on his shoulder. Josh hears a scoff come from behind him.

"Aw, find a new toy to chew on M?" Tyler mocks, grabbing Josh's hand. Everyone catches the movement.

Petes eyes widen before he look up to Josh's face. He laughs.

"No fucking way. I knew you had some sort of motive behind all of this!" Josh's own eyes widen and he prays that God will zap Petes mouth shut right then.

"What?" Tyler asks, confused.

"You wanna tell him Joshy? Or should I?" He teases and Brendon lets out another sob, one Josh himself wishes he could release.

"Please stop!"

"The night before the formal I came to Josh, for comfort and shit. And when I told him about how I was in love with a girl named Monica and that she was dating a bitch-"

"Stop!" Josh demands but he doesn't, he continues to spit venom.

"he told me he was sorry. And then you wanna know what he said Tyler? Do you really wanna know?" Josh turns to look at him, to tell him to cover his ears because he doesn't want him hurt, but the words are stuck in his throat.

Tyler backs up a step, starring at Josh with a furrowed brow and terrified expression.

"He told me to get her to break it off. Told me to convince her that I was better. And guess what? I did. I am." Tears are dripping down Tyler's soft features and he moves away when Josh tries to hold him.

"No!" He yells. "Don't touch me. You knew. You knew how vulnerable I was. Don't ever come near me again." And then he's running and an otherwise silent Jenna is chasing him.

Josh moves to follow but Hayley holds him back, refusing to make eye contact.

"Stay." She demands and he does.

"You know Josh, don't worry about going to the office. I'll take your badge now." Defeated, he hands it over. "It's sad because I'm played as the bad guy all the time, but never have I stooped that low."

Then he and Monica are gone and Brendon isn't crying anymore, he's looking at Josh in shock. Dallon shakes his head before walking away, Hayley heads back into the assembly.

"You've really screwed this up." Ryan says as he takes Brendon's hand. And with that he walks out the doors, leaving Josh alone.

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