chapter five: a break

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WHEN FRIDAY rolls around Josh is feeling pretty confident. He has two big tests the upcoming Monday and spent the last couple of days studying his brains out.

He smiles in relief as he walks around Party City, grabbing obsessive amounts of silver and blue decorations. What do you even buy for a formal? Spotting a worker he calls out.

"Excuse me?" The boy turns around, a grin set on his lips as he approaches. His hair is curly and dark, his bright eyes shining and curious.

"I'm Jacob, what do you need help with?" Josh rubs the back of his neck, suddenly intimidated by the handsome guy.

"Uh, I have to buy decorations for a winter formal."

"Oh, what school?" Josh rolls his eyes because he's wearing his uniform with the schools name on it.


"Isn't that the all boys' school?"


"So...a formal with all boys? Is everyone gay or..?" Josh laughs.

"No the girls school comes over for it. But let's be honest, if you go to an all boy's school you're bound to be a little gay." Jacob grins.

"So are you? A little gay?"

"No." The boys smile falters for a moment. "I'm a lot gay." They chuckle. "Anyways, what do you suggest I get? The scheme is blue and silver, obviously, but what do I get?" Jacob hums in thought.

"Well first off, more streamers. You're not throwing a birthday party my friend."

And that's how Josh spent 500 bucks in Party City alongside a handsome boy whose laugh was very addicting.

By time he gets to the register he doesn't know what half the stuff he bought was and had contemplated keeping Jacob as his moms recommended fling twice.

Eventually he decided against it as Jacob is in his first year of college and probably not single.

"Have fun Josh." He says as they pack the rest of his bags in the trunk.


Fifteen minutes later as Josh is shoving his bags into the schools auditorium he still can't get the stupid boy out of his head. His name made so much since, his eyes branded themself onto his flushed skin like it belonged there, claiming Josh and exposing him for who he really is: very very gay.

By time he makes it back to his room he has six missed calls from Hayley. She's pestering him to hurry as its almost 5:15 and he still hasn't showed up to the cafe.

Slipping out of his school uniform and into an oversized grey sweater and some denium jeans, Josh ruffles his hair and begins the walk.

His feet are covered in his usual pair of vans, kicking at the rocks that liter the concerte. As he reflects on the past couple of days he realizes they're the most eventful days of his carreer.

Pete's drama with Tyler, Mikey liking Hayley , his moms more presisent pestering, and his failing grades. He deson't like it one bit.

"Joshua Dun i expect a damn good excuse." Hayley says as he meets her in the same place as last time.

"Prepare to be dissapointed." Is his response. Hayley just rolls her eyes and drags him by his sweater sleeve to their usual booth.

Brendon is seemingly absent, Mikey sitting once again by the wall as Josh takes a place next to him. Jenna, the girl he met last week, is sat in her same spot across from Mikey, the boy with the red scarf right in front of him.

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