chapter twenty: epilogue

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six months later

HA, YES mom I have everything I need. I have to go now, I love you too." As soon as Josh hangs up the phone Ashton laughs from where he's unpacking his bags.

"We're in America for five seconds and your mom is already a reck." Josh rolls his eyes, grabbing the box with his drums in it out of the closet.

"What do you mean, she's been a reck since I brought you over the first time."

"Must be my killer looks."

"Or your addiction to whatever 'medical' marijuana you can get your hands on." Josh jokes, making air quotes around the obviously exaggerated word.

Ashton just laughs, plopping down on his bed.

"Thanks for convincing me to come though, it's nice here." Josh smiles.

"No problem. Thank for picking me up when I'm down." Ashton just shrugs and looks at the ceiling

"Mind checking the mail? I'm waiting on a package." Josh raises a brow.

"More drugs?"

"No a sweater." The now naturally brown haired boys eyes widen as he laughs.

"Well alright then."

He leaves his dorm room, breathing in the nice weather of Ohio State. He's honestly just glad Ashton, the boy from room 407 who actually turned out pretty cool, came along.

Using their assigned key Josh collects the mail. It's nothing much as its only been a week since they've arrived.

A letter from the school board, a teacher reminder, and a small package. Only it doesn't have Ashton's name it has Josh's. He groans.

His mom really needs to stop sending him Christian Rock through the mail. He throws the junk on the desk in the dorm when he gets back.


"Nope. Just something from..." He reads the return address to find nothing there. "Humph, I don't know actually."

"What if it's a bomb?" Josh scoffs.

"It's way to small for a bomb."

"You never know." He doesn't reply, instead he unseals the package.

Out falls a hand made CD and a note.

He looks at the cover to find it white with No Phun Intended scrawled out in familiar handwriting.

He opens the note.

Dear Joshua,

I know i said I'd never make contact again, but after that night in your bedroom I've realized that a singing career is something I want to achieve. Consider yourself lucky as you have the first ever copy of No Phun Intended , my first real album. I pour my heart into these songs as my walls need a break. I hope you love them as much as I do. I also hope you're happy and safe because you deserve it. I've been doing well, although school online kind of sucks.

sincerely yours, 6 months clean

It's obviously a package from Tyler, Josh knew that from his name in the opening. An album? He finds his heart clenching at the memories he took months to get over, the feelings.

It's nothing more than a faint ache now but he can remember Tyler and his smile perfectly.

"What is it?" Josh looks to Ashton who peering over at the package and puts the note in his pocket before pulling out his old CD player.

Plugging in some headphones he flips the CD over.

"Christian Rock." He mumbles lightly, studying the track list.

Hole In The Ground
Taken By Sleep
I Want To Know
Just Like Yesterday
Never Change
Prove Me Wrong
Realize That Its Gone
Falling Too
TB Saga
Where Did We Go
I'm A Goner
Here Me Now

And now that's it's half past eleven and Josh is still listening he finds himself skipping to the last song, the last song that's missing from the track list.

You're the Judge, oh no. Set me free.

Josh Dun!

And he smiles.
hey my dudes, hope you enjoyed this short little joshler au!!

it was fun to write and is kind of unedited so I apologize.

feel free to follow me for more future joshler, and to go ahead and read my other works if you're interested :)

have a nice day!

stay street |-/

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