chapter three: fling

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JOSH DOESN'T sleep well that night which isn't much of a shocker as he never seems to sleep well. His meeting goes alright, him now taking up the role of using school funds to buy decorations (blue and silver Josh, no red!) which he'll do next Friday as the dance isn't until the following weekend.

And now as he tiredly drags himself home, a 15 minute walk, he starts to form excuses as to why his eyes are so red. (No mum, I have not been doing drugs. Yes I know what they do to my body. Stop feeling my arms!)

His front door is chipping paint, one of the many things he notices has he walks into his home. The second being that his family is sitting down for lunch as if it's Thanksgiving.

"Joshy!" His mum cheers, her happiness radiating off of her like heat waves. Post sadness from having a son who lives on campus for his high school career, he guesses.

"Hey mumma."

"Come, sit." He does, planting a kiss on Abby's cheek as he sits next to her, his dad on his left at the head of the table and his mum in front of him. Jordan sits on the other end of the wooden slate, trying to seem as intimidating as he can.

"How's school? Is Dallon good?" Abby asks and Josh smiles softly. His sister is obsessed with the idea of living on campus and the only thing more appealing to her than the dormitory is Dallon Weekes.

Anytime Dallon comes over (which is rare, his prefix buddies hardly show their faces at the Dun home) she's practically drooling, following his every move and obsessing way more than a 6 year old should.

"It's okay. Dallon is fine." Jordan rolls his eyes has he picks at his mashed potatoes.

"Dallon stinks. He always smells like to much aftershave." He comments and Abby looks to him with a glare.

"Well I think he smells wonderful, unlike you."

"That's because you got a crush on him you twerp."

"Language!" Laura yells as Abby gasps and looks to their father with wide, sad eyes. Josh sighs as he knows what comes next. Bill goes wide eyed before turning to his son with a heated glare.

"Jordan Dun apologize to your sister right now. She did nothing to you." Jordan opens his mouth to protest, to say that she in fact did say he stunk, but the narrowing of Bills eyes stops him short.

"Sorry." He mutters and as Abby smiles triumphantly Laura clears her throat.

"So, how have you been?" Josh rolls his eyes.

"It's been a week Ma."

"I know, but I've missed you so much!" The boy smiles brightly at his mother's words before blushing.

"I've missed you too."

"So tell us, do you have a lover yet?" And there it is. Everyone groans and Laura flushes red.

"What?! Do none of you think it's odd that Josh is 18 years old and hasn't even had his first kiss yet?" Josh's eyes practically bulge out of his head as he whines.

"Mum! That's so embarrassing. You're supposed to warn me away from relationships not push them on me! Plus I've had my first kiss." Laura rolls her eyes at the word embarrassment and Bill raises a brow.

"Oh? With who?" Josh groans once again, dragging a hand down his face.

"That's none of your business! Oh my God I'm not even hungry anymore." He refuses to tell his parents that his first kiss was with none other than Hayley in the 3rd grade.

"Joshua Dun do not use Gods name in vain."


"Now, tell me. Were you at least good?"

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