chapter eleven: formal

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YOU DIDN'T miss much." Brendon says as they sit in the commons. It's around lunch the next day and Josh is sitting next to his friend in his uniform, his badge shiny and his hair still red.

Everyone's eyes are on him today, the rest of the newly colored kids had their day to show off Monday.

When he'd gotten in last night Pete gave him a good stern talking to.

"We have to set the example Josh! What's gotten into you? You've never broken a rule like this. And the hair dye? What are you, an emo?"

Josh had to keep himself from punching Pete square in the face, knowing now that this boy has made life so much harder for Tyler than it already is.

He reminded himself of the scholarship and simmered down.

He also had to get to Mrs. Andrews early and beg to take the two exams he missed on a later day.

Dallon is no where to be seen, barely said a word while in the dorm. Ryan seems happy enough as he sits with a underclassman and chats, Brendon stares into space when he's not filling Josh in on the day before.

Tyler is sitting with Monica (who walked here for lunch) a few tables away, patching things up. As much as he hates it, as much as he'd rather be the one to take care of him he knows he can't.

If Pete finds out he's buddies with his worst enemy (for reasons still unknown) he'll surely be removed from his position. That just can't happen.

For now he'll have to suffer, watching the precious boy belong to someone who doesn't deserve his attention for a second.

"Hey, do you know what number that is? It keeps calling my phone." Brendon says, shoving the cell in Josh's face. He recognizes the number.

"Bill collector. They call me every five minutes." But what catches Josh's attention is Brendon's own number at the top under my info.

It's the same number from Dallons recents the day he broke down.


Josh looks to his best friend, noticing the tired lines and the guilt that rests there.

That explains the awkward room check, Dallon being at Jenna's house and maybe even why Dallon hasn't shown his face around Brendon and Josh all day.

But how does Ryan fit in? Dallon said he hurt him, but how?

The only thing Josh knows for sure is that despite his mums words of wisdom, he's not staying out of this one.


Josh returns to his dorm to find Pete sitting on his bed. No one else seems to be around as Josh takes his shoes off casually.

"Josh." Pete suddenly speaks.


"I want to tell you about a girl I know." Josh gulps, relaxing his features to make him seem calm.

"I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, that's your personal life and-"

"Please." The red haired boys eyes widen at Petes plead.

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