First Day of Training.

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Its was Dakota's first day of training down at WWE's Performance Center and she couldn't of been more nervous.

Dakota's POV:
I wake up around 6 maybe 7 a.m. because I couldn't sleep any longer knowing that I will be training at the WWE Performance Center today. So I woke up hopped in the shower got all nice and cleaned up got dressed then sat down and played my Xbox One because I didn't have to be at the performance till like 9 a.m. so maybe I will work out a little bit too. So I go to the gym in my apartment building then decided I was going to do a pretty intense cardio work out but then I hear my phone go off and I immediately knew who it was because I have specific ringtones for all of my contacts so I pick up the phone and say "Hey Em Whats Up?" She told me that she was excited to be working on some basics with me today at the performance center. I replied "It's going to be amazing! I'm so excited who else is going to be there?" She told me that Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch, Carmella, Alexa Bliss, Nia Jax and Charlotte Flair were all going to be there too just to see how I do for my first day of training. I was so hyped I told her that I wanted to get some cardio in before I met up with her at the performance center and then she told me that's great see you then! Then we hung up and I put my headphones in and started to jam out to some Nickelback and then ran on the treadmill for about an hour before I ran back up to my hotel room slipped on some leggings put on my John Cena tank top then texted Emily and told her that I am on my way.

1 hour later.

I finally arrive at the performance center the traffic was absolutely crazy so it took a while but I made it. When I walked in I see Emily standing there with her arms crossed giving me the "Where the fuck have you been?" look I look at her and say "Traffic was fucking crazy. I would appreciate it if you didn't stare daggers into my soul. Then she said "I'm not trying to I am just fucking with you. Are you ready to train?" I shake my head then she walks me over to one of the many rings that are in the performance center and she motions for me to get the fuck into the ring and I do, then she tells me that I am going to learn some basic moves today like a collar to elbow tie up, a hip toss and then we would move on from there. It did not really sound like much until Emily told me that I would not be doing this with her that I get to choose who I wanted to learn the basics with, I was excited when she told me this so I wanted to do it with The Boss Sasha Banks. Sasha did not seem too intimidated when she got in the ring she introduced her self with her real name Mercedes Kaestnar-Varnado we immediately hit off and from then on I knew we were going to be really good friends. About an hour into the training session we took a break got some water just kind of hung out and talked then these two guys walk in one about 7 feet tall and the other about 5'11 as soon as the walked through the entrance the little one and I made eye contact then he walked over to where Sasha and I were standing and he said "Hello beautiful my name is Eric Arndt but everyone else calls me Enzo Amore. And this giant standing next to me is my best friend Bill Morrissey but everyone refers to him as Big Cass."I shook both of their hands and then said "Nice to meet you my name is Dakota Arndt." Eric did not pay much mind to it and neither did I but everyone else did and not a split second later I feel Emily tug my arm and pull me into the bathroom she slammed the door locked it and then she asked me if I had a brother. I said "Yeah why?" Then she told me that Eric and I had the same last name and asked if we were related I didn't really know if we were or not so I pulled out my phone and dug through my contacts to find my mothers number finally found it and then I called her, it rang a bunch of times then I hear "Hey Kota whats up?" Then I ask her about my brother and she told me that his name was Eric he never met me because he left to pursue his wrestling dreams at like 16 so he should be about 29 by now. My mom and him kind of just lost contact they haven't talked in like a month or 2 then I tell her about how I just met him today and asked her what I should do and she told me to be calm and that she would handle the situation I said "Ok I love you. She said back and then we hung up I turn to Emily and said "You were right he is my brother. But my mom told me that she would handle it and to just go back to what I was doing." Emily nodded she said we could go back to training if that is what I wanted to do then we did just that we went back to training because even if I did just meet my brother that does not mean my whole day has to come to a screeching halt right?

Enzo's POV:

After running into one of the new superstar's I hear my phone ringing I pick it up out of my pocket to see it was my mom calling I pick it up with concern but also curiosity in my voice. I answer and say "Hey ma. How you doin'? Everything ok?" she replies "Everything is fine Zo. I just wanted to see how you were just checking in on my boy. I have to tell you something though Zo." I go "What is it ma?" then she said "You have a sister Zo. Her name is Dakota and she just called me asking about you. She is training with her friend Emily Funk." I said "Whoa whoa whoa hold on a second ma. Why didn't you tell me that I had a sister?" she replied "I had your sister like a year after you left. You were doing so much trying to progress with your career I didn't need you putting your life on hold because of me and your sister." I did not really understand but I was really understanding on why my mom didn't tell me so I said "I understand ma. So what do I do? Do I go up and talk to her what?" Then my mom replied "Let her come to you ok? Just do what you have been doing she is a little shy but she will warm up to you ok?" I agreed then I told my mom that I was sorry that I haven't been in touch I have just been busy and all the work kinda got the best of me. She told me that it was okay and that she loved me and that from now on she will be reaching to Dakota so if I needed anything to just tell her than my mom will handle it. After that we hung up, then I turn to Bill and say " I just found out I have a sister." We both looked at each other than went to one of the separate rings and just ran the ropes and went over some of the basics as well.

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