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 Bill's POV: Once I was done texting Emily I decided to give Leah a call it rang a couple of times. Then she was like "Hello?" I said "Leah. Why in the hell did you punch Eric's sister in the face?" She was silent for a few minutes then she said "You mean that bitch that he was with at the go kart track? That was his sister?" I said "Yeah they just recently found out they were family but they are, and you assumed that she was one of Eric's girls. So you punched her in the face and broke her fucking nose!" She didn't say anything else and then she hung up, I was fed up with her shit anyway because ever since her and Enzo broke it off she has been getting really drunk and doing stupid things like braking Dakota's nose. After I got off the phone with Leah I was fuming and decided to walk off my anger because I knew if I didn't I would do something that would not be in my best interest. While I was on my walk I get a call from Eric: I said "Sup Zo?" Then he asked me what I said to Leah and I told him that she was wrong for braking Dakota's nose and then he told me that now she called him and told him that she was at the end of her rope and that if he wanted to see her again that he has to go get her from the bridge she was standing at. I sighed and said "Go get her Zo. Emily still has to get even for Dakota's sake." He told me that he would let me know what happened but I decided to go see what was going on and see what the hell she was doing. 

-1 hour later.-

Enzo's POV: After I told Bill that Leah was literally going to jump off a bridge because she felt like an complete idiot about braking Kota's nose. He told me to go and get her and that he would be there within a matter of minutes and I was completely okay with that. By the time I got to the bridge where Leah said that she was and when I got there she was standing on the edge of it swaying back and forth I ran up to the bridge and said "Leah! What are you doing?!" She could not really form coherent words but it sounded something like this "Why am I even here? All I do is fuck up Eric." Then I told her that she is a great person and that I fucked up by breaking up with her and then I told her that she needed to come down and then we could go out and get to know each other all over again ok? She nodded and then asked me to help her because she was very drunk. I helped her off the edge and then we sat there and hugged then I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw a particular 7'0 foot tall man who came running toward us saying "Leah! Eric! Are you guys ok?" I said "Yeah Cass we are fine. Lets just get back to the hotel. Leah needs to sleep this off." I did not take long to get to the hotel and then by the time we got in the lobby we ran into Emily and Dakota, by then Leah was just talking so much shit. Emily looked at me and said "Eric you better control your bitch before I put her drunk ass in her place." I tried to tell Emily to just leave it alone but by the time we tried to move to the elevator Emily pounced on Leah and then started throwing some heavy left and right blows telling her that she doesn't deserve anything and every single time that Cass and I tried to pull them off each other they would get free and they just kept trying to kill each other. Then hotel security came and had to help us keep them away from each other, and then Emily put her hands up and then said "I am done! Got it! Do not fucking talk to me Eric." Then she told Dakota to get in the elevator and they went back up to their room, then Cass and I looked at one another and we had to figure out how to weather this shit storm of situation that we are in right now and we did not know how to do that. But it was going to take so much and Cass and I didn't know if we were ready for that. 

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