Brother Sister Time.

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Enzo's POV:

After I asked Dakota if she wanted to go with me Go Karting tomorrow Cass and I wanted to head back to our own hotel room and just hang out. Once we got there Cass looked at me and smiled then I said "What?" he looked at me then said "Nothing Zo just glad you are finally man enough to ask your sister to hang out." I was like "Yeah I know. I guess she kind of makes me nervous you know? My ma never told me about her and then she pops up like out of no where Cass. How is a guy supposed to react to that?" Cass knew exactly where I was coming from because he is my best friend and best friends always get what other people don't. After our little chat I decided to text Emily and see what she was up to so I texted her "Hey. What are you doing?" -EA it didn't take long for her to respond and she said "Talking to Dakota what are you doing?" -EF After Emily said that I didn't know what to say so I responded "Cool Beans." -EA I knew I still had feelings for her but she was also one of my very best friends so I didn't understand why it was hard for me to talk to her the way we used to. After I said Cool Beans she realized something was up and face timed me to talk, she said "Whats going on Zo?" I told her that its hard for me to talk to her like I used to because I had still had feelings. After I said that she kind of just went silent for a minute and then looked at me and I saw a tear run down her cheek and she said "Wow Zo I didn't know that I meant that much to you. But for right now I would like us to stay friends so I can find myself and figure out who makes me happy my heart says you but my head says Fergal. Just please give me sometime ok?" I looked at her for a second because I needed to process what just happened and then I said "Ok Em I will give you sometime. Just know that I care about you with every fiber in my being, you are my exact copy but with lady parts." She smiled and said "Bada Boom Realest Chick in the room. I have to go Eric talk soon ok?" I nodded my head in agreement and then we hung up. After my conversation with Emily I decided that I needed some sleep because my head was killing and so I wouldn't flake out on Dakota tomorrow. After I turned on a movie shortly after I drifted off to sleep. 

~The Next Morning~

Dakota's POV: 

I woke up around 10:30 maybe 11 a.m. to go get Eric so we can go spend some time together as brother and sister. It didnt take long for me to get ready I threw my hair up into a messy bun put on some black skinny jeans, a Dean Ambrose shirt then matched that up with some all black chucks that I had custom made because why the hell not? It only took me about five minutes to walk to Erics apartment and then I knocked on the door and Cass opened it up. I looked at him gave him a peck on the lips and said "Is Eric awake yet?" He stared deeply into my soul but did not really answer my question until I snapped my fingers in front of his face and said "Earth to Bill? Answer me!!" Then he was like "Yeah sorry he is in the bathroom." After that I said thanks and then decided to wait for my brother in the kitchen. It took him like 50 years to get out of the bathroom and then he looked at me and said "Hey Kota. Ready to go?" I said "Yeah I have been ready lol." He then apologized that it took him so long and I did not mind it like at all because he looked pretty broken up and I had a feeling it was the same reason why Emily could not stop crying last night. I told him not to worry about it because I knew that he had a rough night and then we walked out of the complex and got in Erics car to head to the go kart track for a day of fun. At least I hope it turns out that way. 

~1 hour later~ 

Enzo's POV: 

It took about an hour to get to the go kart track and on the way up here it was all just dead silence. But I guess I had myself to blame for that because of what happened between Emily and I last night. Before we got out of the car I turned to Dakota and said "Listen I know that I have not been the best big brother ok? I get that I was not there for you and that Mom did not decide to tell us about each other until now. But I want to make it up to you ok? From now on I will always be here for you Dakota Marie Arndt got it?" She shook her head in agreement then we got out of the car and had one of those long ass brother sister hugs that feels like it lasts a life time but it really doesn't, after what seem like a lifetime of a hug we made our way into the go kart track got in our karts and even though I won the first race just being here with my sister smiling and laughing is everything to me. After about five or six races Kota and I called a quits and it was 5 to 1 Dakota had made a hell of a comeback and smoked me out in the process. I took off my helmet and asked Dakota if she wanted to grab a bite to eat and she said "Hell Yeah I am starving." Then we headed out of the go kart track went to the nearest taco stand grabbed some grub and started talking until we were blue in the face. Even though in the back of my mind I am still broken up about how things got left with Emily spending the day with my little sister is just what the doc ordered. I had the time of my life and I knew that she did too. Cass was right Dakota is an amazing person and we should hang out together more often, I was in my own thoughts then out of no where something snapped me out of it that I knew was going to be trouble for me either way.

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