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Dakota's POV: It has been days since Em and I have talked and I was really worried about her. I really wanted to text her and ask her if she was okay but I was sure she didnt really want to talk to anyone because she needs to realize that whatever decision she makes that I will always be her friend, always and forever. But to get my mind off of the drama, I decided to reach out to Bill so I shot him a text and it said "Hey babe you wanna hang out?" It took mad long for him to get back to me but once he did he told me that he was on his way to the apartment because we needed to talk. I was really worried that the talk we were going to have was a bad one but I really shouldnt be worried because has far as I am concerned are relationship was pretty solid so if he had something to say then he could tell me over text if he really needed to.

~5 minutes later~

Cass's POV: Once I got to Kota and Emily's Place I needed to gather my thoughts because I told Kota that we needed to talk but I didn't know how to tell her that her brother hasnt left his room ever since Emily AWOL'D. So once I got to the door of there apartment I literally took my sweet ass time standing out there just waiting until I had the right words to say to my beautiful girlfriend about how her brother as been a mess since her bestfriend left. As I was about to knock on the door Dakota opened it and said "Babe? What are you doing?" I then told her I was out here trying to gather my thoughts she was going to ask me why I needed to gather my thoughts and I told her that I needed her help because ever since Emily AWOL'D Eric as not been himself. She looked at me for a second then she breathed a huge sigh of relief and then said "Shit. I thought something was wrong with us." I shook my head furiously and told her that we were fine then she came up to me and we shared a passionate kiss for about 5 minutes and then she said "Can we not worry about them and just focus on us. Just for a couple hours please?" I nodded in agreement and then we went into her place shut the door behind us and I looked into her eyes and said "God. You are so fucking beautiful." Then she walked toward me and said nothing she just kissed me and while we were kissing I realized that this wasn't just any kiss this was an I want to be with you kiss. After I realized that I picked her up and brought her to the couch where we both started to strip and once we were both just in our underwear Dakota's phone rang she picked it up because it was Emily she said "Em? Where are you?" I couldn't hear what Emily was saying but by the look on Dakota's face I knew that she just dropped a bomb. After a while of Emily talking Dakota finally got her to give her an address so they could meet up, once Emily did that Dakota said "I will be there as soon as possible ok?" Then she hung up and I said "Dakota? Whats going on?" She told me that Emily was at the hospital because some asshole hit her with his car and that I needed to go get Eric because Emily also just found out that she was pregnant with his kid. After I heard that I knew I needed a plan to get his ass out of bed but right now he needed to regroup and the only question is how?

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