Got Some Explaining to do.

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Enzo's P.O.V:
While I was out with Dakota we got to talking and I was thinking to my self "Cass was right shes pretty great." But then I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my ex-girlfriend Leah a.k.a Carmella came up to my sister and I she was like "Eric who is this hussy?! Is she the bitch you left me for?!" Then Dakota stood up and said "Excuse me! Um who do you think you are?" Then Leah didn't really say anything else then she just punch Dakota in the nose and then she was like "Fine. Choose her over me. Bye." After Leah left Dakota was just holding her nose and the blood was seeping through her hand and she looked at me and said "So that happened." Then we both had a laugh about it then I grabbed her a towel then we headed to the nearest E.R. and I knew I had to tell Cass and Emily but I just didn't know how to explain it.

~30 minutes later~

Dakota's POV:
After being punched in the face by one of my brothers ex's we had a laugh about it then he guided me to the car to head to nearest E.R. Once we got there we were immediately seen and the doctor poked my nose and then I grabbed his hand and said "Please don't do that." Then he said "Alright it looks broken. But we are going to have to send you to x-ray just to make sure okay?" We both nodded and when the doctor left I saw Enzo put his head in his hands and then i said "Listen its not your fault. She seems crazy anyways what did you see in her?" He looked at me for a second and he said "We just worked together for awhile then it just happened." I laughed then said "So are you going to call Bill and Emily or am I?" Then he said "I'll do it. Ok?" Then i nodded in agreement and then he walked out of the room and I looked at myself through my camera on my phone and said "Looking good." It was about 5 minutes later then Eric comes walking in and says "They are on their way. Bill isn't happy with me neither is Emily but I told them I would explain what happened when they got here." I laughed then said "Alright. Stay with me till then?" He nodded in agreement then an orderly came in and told me he was there to take me to X-Ray. Once they were done it didn't take long for the doctor to come back and he confirmed that my nose was broken then he told me that a nurse would come in set my nose then put on the cast. Both Eric and I thanked Dr.Hunt and then he left, the next thing you know Bill comes barging in and he screams at Enzo and then I said "Bill! Calm Down it wasn't his fault." Then he calmed down and said "Sorry Zo, but you know I am really vibeing with your sister. I don't like seeing her hurt ok?" He said "I know bro. It's ok."

~1 hour later~

Bill's POV:
It took about another hour before the nurse came in and put the cast on Dakotas nose. I texted Emily: No need to come. She will meet you at home. ~Bill she replied Thanks Bill. I will be sure to get Carmella for what she did. ~Funk I wanted to tell her to just leave it to me but she is very hard headed so there was no stopping her. It didn't take long to get Dakota back to her apartment but by the time we did she passed out. So I decided to carry her up to the apartment and then I knocked on her door and emily answered and she let me in and I set her down in her bed kissed her forehead then left. Once I left I decided to call Leah and ask her what the hell she was thinking.

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