Risky Business

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Dakota's POV:

After I got dressed in to the clothes that Bill gave me to put on I headed out to the ring and waited for him to come out. It didn't take long before he did but it felt like an eternity before he got in the ring and we were standing face to face in the ring he down at me since you know I am like 5'6 and he is 7' feet tall, and he said "I didn't know where else to take you. I didn't want to go to the movies again because we already did that. So what do you want to do? Go a couple rounds?" I laughed at him and said "What if we just sat down and told each other about one another? You ok with that?" He laughed then he put his hand on my cheek looked me in the eyes and said "As long as I am with you, I will be okay with just about anything." Then we both sat down and just talked I told him about how I grew up in Jersey, and my mother and I were extremely close. Then he told me about how he grew up in Queens, played basketball for NYU and went to NYU with the intentions of being a doctor but then changed his major to economics. He also told me about most of his friends call him The Babe Ruth of Beat downs I looked at him and said "Why do they call you that?" He shrugged then said "I guess when I beat people up I hit them with a couple of home run haymakers you know?" I laughed and then said "I beat I hit harder than you." He laughed then we both stood up and I kicked him square in the jewels and he went down like a ton of bricks he looked at me gasping for air then I said "Sorry. I just had to prove a point are you ok?" He said "Yeah my jewels are bruised but yes I am fine." Then I helped him up and we went into the locker rooms got changed then we walked out of the performance center got in the car and then we were on our way to god knows where but we were dead set on spending the day together and that is what we are going to do.

Emily's POV:

Since Cass and Kota were spending the day together I thought that Enzo and I could do the same thing. So after sitting on the couch watching T.V. for a good hour I looked at Zo and said "Do you wanna go out? Maybe spend the day together like Cass and Kota?" He looked at me and replied "Sure babe. Where do you wanna go?" I told him that I wasn't picky I just wanted to go for a long drive with my man. I honestly didn't care where we went as long as I was with Eric I was fine with just about anything. We headed out of my apartment I was wearing a Led Zeppelin t-shirt, a pair of tight fitting jeans and a pair of blue and black Nike Airs and Eric was wearing his Certified G Baseball Jersey, pair of basketball shorts and his custom Certified G kicks. We headed out to my car which was a black ford explorer with some silver rims and a gold trim, Eric took one look at my car and said "Damn! You got a nice car." I replied "Thanks these are the only kind of cars I can drive they make me feel safe." He nodded his head and then said "Well next time we go some where we will go in my little BMW because you don't need a big car to keep you safe ok? You got me." I smiled then I pulled out of the parking lot, put the car in drive and just kept going straight took some right turns but just kept driving. While I was driving I asked Eric if it was alright if we got to know each other by just telling each other about our lives growing up he nodded and said "Ok what do you want to know?"

I told him to tell me anything it didn't really matter to me. He about how he was born in Hackensack, New Jersey but grew up in Waldwick then he proceeded to tell me that he played football throughout most of his high school years and on till college but then stopped in 2009 and got his degree in journalism then he told that he managed a hooters for a while. While he was the manager at said Hooters he started to train at Joe Defrancos Gym at the age of 16 then by some random chance Triple H started to train with Defranco has well and he was a long time fan of wrestling so he made a compilation DVD of him doing various exercises and cutting a promo. When Eric gave the DVD to Defranco to give to Hunter he showed to him and then Triple H gave him a tryout and that ultimately resulted in his signing. I said "Damn Zo. My story is not has good as yours." Eric looked at me and laughed then replied "Em it is not a contest. Tell me about you." Then I proceeded to tell me how I grew up in a messed up house where my mother and father always singled me out as the "Bad Kid" then I started to watch WWE and I told myself that one day I will be a wrestler and I will be damn good at it. So I started training day in and day out in the gym every day from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. then one day by some random chance I was training one day and then I met Pat Patterson who told me that I have something great and he wanted to show it to his boss and then he took me to Vince's office showed him the tape we made and Vince gave me a tryout and then signed me the same day. After that we just kind of sat in the car in silence until I saw Kota's car out of the corner of my eye at this weird restaurant so I pulled in there and then I saw something that no best friend should ever see.

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