First Date.

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Dakota's POV:
After spending the night with Bill because my brother and my best friend were to busy getting it on. I decided to make Bill and I some breakfast it wasn't anything to put together just some eggs, bacon and toast with orange juice. It only took about 2 seconds for Bill to wake up because he smelled the food and he said "Kota? You didn't have to make breakfast." I replied "It's not a big deal I always do it for Emily and I." He shrugged then got up put some basketball shorts and walked over to the table. He looked at me before he took his fork and ate his food and said "I know last night was rough on you and I wanted to apologize. Can I make it up to you with dinner tonight?" I sat down at the table across from him and said "Yeah that would be nice." Then I decided to call Emily to see if it was okay for me and Cass to swing by. It rang a couple of times then I she answered "Hello?" I said "Hey so me and cass are going to stop by. You and Eric better be ready." I didn't give her any time to reply and I said "Love You Bye!"

Emily's POV:
I woke up to my phone ringing and saw that it was Dakota, and I answered and said "Hello?" Then she said "Cass and I are stopping by you and Eric better be ready. Love you Bye!" Then she hung up not giving me time to respond and then I shot up realizing that the living room was a mess and eric was still passed out. I shook Enzo and said "Wake up. Cass and Kota are on their way." He rubbed his eyes and said "Whoa whoa whoa calm down babe it's going to be alright." I looked at him and said "No it's not! I just slept with my best friends brother and she probably hates me for it." Then I told Enzo to go take a shower and he got up and said "Wanna join me?" I looked at him blushed then said "Wish I could babe. But Kota is coming over remember?" He understood then proceeded the bathroom and then has soon as he shut the door I started to clean up I picked up all the garbage then threw the wash cloth into the laundry and got changed and waited for Dakota and Bill to show up.

~30 minutes later~

After Eric got out of the shower he got changed and joined me on the couch. It wasnt long before I saw the door open and Dakota said "Em! Im home. Hope your decent!" Then Eric and I shot up from the couch and I pulled Dakota aside and said "I am so sorry about what happened last night. Please don't hate me." She looked at me and replied "Em, I don't hate you. It is a little uncomfortable that you fucked my brother but you have to tell him to spend some time with me. Not today though because I am supposed to be spending the day with Cass." I looked at her and said "Awe! You like him!" She said "Shhh! Yea Em I do but its because last night he treated me with such respect. I decided to give him a chance ok?" I said "Ok. Well I am a phone call away if you need anything ok?" She looked at me and said "Thanks Em. I love you." I replied "I love you too babe."

Cass's POV:
When Dakota and I walked through the door Emily and Enzo shot up and then Emily pulled Dakota into her bedroom and shut the door. After I heard the door close I shoved Eric and said "The hell bro?" He looked at me and said "What? Did I do?" I said "You fucked your sisters best friend while she was trying to talk to you." He looked at me and said "Im sorry Cass." I replied "Don't apologize to me say sorry to your sister. Oh and by the way don't talk to her today because we are spending the day together." He looked at me and said "You got feelings for my little sister eh?" I shot him a look and said "Yeah so?" He said "It's fine by me." Then Dakota and Emily came out of the room, Kota was wearing a beautiful black dress with black chucks. I looked at her and said "Kota you looking stunning." She blushed and said "You got dressed up for me last night. Thought I would return the favor." I sucked my teeth and nodded then she hugged emily and we were off.

Dakota's POV:
I put on a simple black dress with some chucks and walked out of the bedroom then five minutes later Cass and I left. When we walked out of the apartment and then I suggested we go to the mall to see a movie or something. He suggested going to the performance center and sparring a little bit I told him my gym bag was in the apartment but he told me that he had something for me to change into. I shrugged and then we walked out to his car then we were on our way to the performance center, it didn't take long to get to the performance center. When we pulled up we parked and then Cass popped the trunk grabbed his gym bag and then we walked in the performance center and headed to the ring in the far right corner he threw one of his certified g shirts in the ring to claim it has ours then we headed to the locker rooms he threw me a tank top and some basketball shorts then said "Meet me in ring 10 minutes ok?" I nodded in agreement then went into the locker room area to get changed great place to be on a first date right?

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