The Next Step

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Bill's POV: Once we got into Paul's office we just stood there like a bunch of kids who got caught trying to take money out of their dads wallet. Once paul finally said something it sounded a little like this "I don't know what the hell was going on out there. So one of you better tell me the whole damn story or your all suspended until someone does?!" Zo and I stood there frozen we didn't know what to say and even if we did it wasnt our mess to clean up anyways it was Leah and Emily's. It took a while for someone to say something but when someone did step up we knew we would all be okay, so Emily said "This is what happened sir. Leah broke my best friend Dakota's nose, now Dakota is Eric's sister but Leah didnt know that so then she got drunk and said some pretty messed up stuff so I punched her in the face. Then when Dakota and I came into today she started to get in my face saying that she was glad that she broke Dakota's nose and that I was lucky she didnt brake mine. So I lost my cool, that doesn't give me any right to talk to you the way I did sir and I am sorry. But do not punish Bill and Eric they were trying to break it up." After Emily said that both Eric and I looked over at her and smiled oddly so did Paul he stood up and said "Funk you remind me of me at a young age. Always handling business and being defiant towards authority, you all can go this is your only warning though. If something like this ever happens again! Your all suspended for 30 days got it?" We all shook our heads and then walked out of his office where everyone was staring at us. But luckily Paul came out and said "Show is over!" Then everyone went back to doing what they were doing, then Emily and Kota asked Eric and I if we wanted to train with them for a bit and we agreed I mean how can we not Emily just saved our asses.

~About 4 hours later~

By the time we got done training it was around 10-11 p.m. I could not believe that we could train for that but I guess time flies by when you are having fun right? After we realized that we have been training for four long hours, we all left the ring hopped in the shower got changed into some comfy clothes then went back to the hotel to get some room service and go to sleep. We all met by the front entrance of the performance center and that is where I saw Emily and Fergal in what seemed to be a very deep conversation, so me being the nosy person I am I walked up to them and said "Hey Guys. Whatcha talking about?" Then Emily shot me those dagger eyes she gets when I am butting in on something that has nothing to do with me but at that moment I could care less because she was pulling at my brothers heart strings every single chance she got so I decided to vagina block her. But once I did she knew what I was doing and she pulled me aside and said "Why are you doing this Dakota?"  Then I said "I love you Em. I really do, but what you are doing is not ok got it? Right now you choose Eric or Fergal and I am only going to say this once if you pick Fergal that does not give you permission to tug at Eric's heart strings at any given moment got it?" She nodded her head in agreement but then she told me that she was going to need a day or two too think about her decision, it is not like I am mad at her for fucking with my brother I'm not I just need her to stop playing him like a violin. After I was done talking to Em she left she walked back to the hotel and she never looked back, she needed to blow off some steam I intended to let her do so because when Emily is confused or overthinking she is hard to get to. But I knew how to do it  I just felt like she needed to be alone and that is what I was going to do just leave her alone. 

                                                                           You Guys Team Finn?

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                                                                           You Guys Team Finn?

                                                                                 Or Team Enzo?

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                                                                                 Or Team Enzo?

                                                     Do you guys like Dakota and Cass together? 

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                                                     Do you guys like Dakota and Cass together? 

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