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"Sethie," said Roman, still looking at his phone's screen. Seth turned his head towards Roman and saw the beautiful man lying next to him and gulped nervously. His heart was racing at the moment. "I'm video calling Dean right now," continued Roman.

Seth peered into the screen of Roman's phone silently until Dean appeared on it, looking at them behind his droopy eyelids. He was lying on his bed with his messy hair was all over his forehead. "Deano!" said Roman, excitedly.

"Hey, Deanie!" smiled Seth. Dean smiled back at Roman and Seth.

"Bastards," he said sleepily."Where are you at?"

"This," said Roman looking around."is a hotel...-"

"I can make that out, bish," Dean interrupted Roman. "I mean are you still at Boston or...-"

"Obviously, bish," said Seth, this time, interrupting Dean. Dean moved his eyes towards Seth whereas Roman let out a laugh. "What are you laughing at?!" yelled Dean. Seth understood at that very moment that Roman was too kind for a retort.

"Rom, Rom, Rom," said Seth, nudging Roman's arm. "Just hang up. This guy was probably sleeping right now. You see his hair? And his eyes are all red and droopy. I guess he's disgusted that we woke him up while he was sleeping. Just look at the way he talks to us! It's not even welcoming."

"Romie," said Dean expressionlessly.

"Oh, just wait. Let me do the talking," said Seth turning towards the screen."

"Romie," said Dean again.

"Will you shut up?!" yelled Seth.

"Romie," continued Dean.

"What?!" snapped Roman.

Dean shook his head and released a remorseful sigh."All that Seth wants to say is that, if you hang up soon, he'll get to sleep on the same bed with you for a little bit longer. So, it's like I'm interrupting you. You get me?"

Roman lifted up his head from the pillow at once and looked at Dean with his eyes all widened. "Hey, Dean. It's not what you think. Okay? We've got two beds in this room. Look at that," said Roman, turning the screen of his phone towards the empty bed next to them. He again turned it back towards his own face when he heard Dean laugh out loud.

"Roman, you're epic," said Dean laughing hard. "Trust me, Roman. If I was with you today, I'd have liked it better if we all slept on one bed. Just one bed. You've got two beds in your room. Doesn't mean you've got to sleep on them both. Blockhead. Psh."

Seth had a blank expression on his face. He was beyond upset looking at the way Roman reacted to Dean at that time. All that while, he had been thinking that he and Roman were way close, as Roman lay next to him on his bed by his own wish. He lowered his eyes. He did not feel like looking at the screen anymore. Before it happened, he had thought of resting his head against Roman's shoulder in order to let him know that he loved him. But on looking at the way Roman freaked out at Dean, he was sure that what he felt for Roman was not the other way round.

"I thought you were makin fun of us as we're sleeping on one bed even though we're grown men," said Roman.

"Can't grown men sleep on one bed? What's weird in it though?" shrugged Dean. "Oh, I guess Seth's all sleepy."

Roman turned his head towards Seth to find that his eyes were looking somewhere downwards instead of looking at the screen and he was not smiling anymore. "Sethie?" said Roman in a soft voice, nudging his gently.

"Huh?" Seth looked up immediately.

"You're falling asleep, Seth," laughed Dean.

Roman placed his hand over Seth's eyes gently and said, "Sleep, if you're tired. We have to get up early tomorrow."

"Aww, good night, Sethie," baby talked Dean. "Make sure you keep yourself warm with a blanket. It must be too cold, I think."

"Yeah," whispered Roman, making a face. "It's cold!" He, then, got his hand off Seth's eyes patted him on his head gently.

"Night, Deano." said Seth, sleepily.

"Night, Seth! Rom, you must go to sleep as well. I ain't sleepy but I need to rest for sure. Good night, guys," said Dean and clicked his tongue.

"Wait, let's end the video call. I'll give you another call and lets just talk until we're sleepy," said Roman, still patting Seth on his head.

"Good idea," said Dean. "Okay then! See you again, Sethie."

"See you, Dean. Take care!" replied Seth before they ended the video call. He, then, looked up at Roman and said, "Aren't you going to sleep?"

"Not now," whispered Roman and smiled before he made another call to Dean. Seth was beyond happy. The way Roman patted him on his head made him forget about all the sad feelings that came to his mind just a while ago. He knew it very well that Roman did not feel for Seth the same way as Seth felt for Roman. It was just that Roman and Dean pampered him a lot as he was the youngest member of The Shield.

"How's your aunt?" said Roman as he talked to Dean over the phone. "... Oh, I'm glad she's better now. It's because of you that she feels better now... What? Oh, the event! Orton's such a b*tch, you know... No, I'm fine. I'm fine! Can he ever destroy me? Huh."

Seth smiled softly. He wanted to fall asleep as soon as possible, as he thought Roman would go sleep on the other bed after he'd hang up the phone. He wanted to fall asleep before Roman shifted to the other bed. He wanted to have Roman next to him on his bed.

When he shut his eyes and tried to sleep, he was easily lulled by Roman's dreamy voice. He, then, pictured each and every moment that he had spent with Roman that day while he drifted off to sleep.

It was still dark when Seth opened his eyes, the next morning. He was unsure whether he had slept for a few hours or just a few minutes. He took his phone that was lying under his pillow and looked at the time to find that it was 4:30 AM. He released a sigh as he came to know that he had slept for a few hours indeed and also could sleep for a little bit longer.

He sleepily turned his head to take a look at Roman. He froze at his own position wide eyed when he saw Roman sleeping peacefully right beside him. Seth could feel his heartbeat getting faster at the moment. He couldn't help wondering how Roman did not get himself shifted to a separate bed and instead slept on the same bed with him for the whole night. "The best feeling that you can ever get," spoke Seth inside his head. "...is when you see your love sleeping peacefully beside you." He could feel his hot blood at his cheeks as he was blushing to the fullest while he thought about it. He lowered his eyes from blushing and found yet another thing that surprised him. His heart skipped a beat as he found himself and Roman under a single cover. "He is so sweet," he smiled to himself. He wanted to wrap his hands around Roman's body. But he feared that his thoughts might convert to actions and pulled the cover close to his own body. He then tried to fall asleep once again but he failed. Each and every bit of him wanted to catch a glimpse of his love sleeping next to him. He started to peer at Roman's direction once again. He was very sure that Roman was not likely to wake up as he had been talking to Dean over the phone until it was too late at night. He slowly stretched out his hand and placed it lightly over Roman's chest. As soon as Roman shook his head a little, Seth got his hand off Roman's body, letting out a gasp. Roman was a light sleeper and Seth was well aware of it. "I shouldn't have done it," Seth hissed behind his clenched teeth. Roman opened his eyes a little and lifted his head up from his pillow for a short while, looking at the clock on the wall. He then turned his head towards Seth while Seth lay motionless, pretending to sleep. Seth heard a sound as Roman put his head back onto his pillow. He held the cover close to his face, as if trying to hide himself from Roman, and tried to look at Roman's direction once again. Roman was off to sleep but was now facing at Seth's direction. That was a great scene for Seth to feast his eyes on. Seth eyed him without a pause until his eyes went heavy and he fell asleep.

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