Chapter 2 - Alone

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Today we have a mission and all we are doing is transportation with a man from one place to another. I walk the whole way behind everyone. I stop and realize Kakashi stopped too.

"Someone's here, and there's puddles when it hasn't rained in days"

Kakashi nods and I look around and use my sharingan and try to sense someone. I run away from them and a large man pops up behind me and trys to hit me. I jump above his punch and kick him in the face making him fly through a tree alerting everyone in team 7. Kakashi grabs me and brings me back to the team.

"Stay with us"

I pout and feel someone come up behind me. I flip backwards over the man and go to trip him but I get grabbed by someone. He doesn't let go no matter how much I struggle and he holds Kunai against my throat.

"Give me the man or the little girl is done with"

I sit there as he presses the Kunai into my throat making it begin to bleed. I get nocked away from the man and fall into Narutos arms as he puts me down. I look at him for a few seconds before turning around. I see Sakura blocking the old man. I see another man come from her bind spot and I run up to him and I kick him he gets up quick and grabs my fist picking me up off of the ground and throwing me to the floor. I trip him and he falls I stand up and kick him up jumping up with him and then kicking him to the ground. I spit out blood and punch him in the face. He runs to me again and I kick him into a tree.

"Learn your place you bastard"

I walk over to everyone else and calapse but I get caught by Naruto. I look at him as he smiles at me I pull away and calapse again. Naruto grabbing me. He picks me up and puts me on his back carrying me. I soon does off from exhaustion. I wake up at the house in a bed. I sit up and see Sasuke in a bed next to mine. I look out of the window and see its night. I stand up and walk out of the room and go outside. I sit out there meditating until I here someone by the door. I notice the chakra and realize its Sasuke. I ignore him until he sits next to me.

"You look stupid"

"Well I came out here for peace not for you to watch me idiot"

I hear him humph and I go back to meditating until he talks again.


"Leave me alone Sasuke I didn't ask for you to come here can't you see I'm trying to ignore you"

"Why are you like that"

"Like what"

"So cold to everyone, I thought I was cold but your ice. Were a team and your gonna have to deal with it like I do so suck it up and be nice for once"

"I'm cold to everyone not willingly its natural for me so back up"

"Its like you're trying to be hated"

"I'm choosing my ninja path and if its hate then so be it some ninja just deal with it like me and there fine"

Sasuke slaps me nocking me over, I hold my cheek.

"What was that f-"

"No ninja should follow hate no ninja at all and that shouldn't be your path to choose and it isn't. Your forcing yourself down it...... Y-you sound like Itachi"

I look away. And hold my knees.

"Its my choice not anyone else's so get out of my business and its not like you should care you hate me and I hate you that's that weather anyone likes it or not. Its our way and I'm living it, even if I have to become a roage"

I stand up and jump to a tree and. Running a little distance off. Enough to still be able to see the house. I watch as Sasuke stands there. He looks sad. He walks into the house and I begin to walk back too. I feel myself get grabbed by a man. I struggle but he puts a sleeping spell on me. When I wake up I'm chained to two wood poles. I see Sasuke off I'm the distance running to me but my senses aren't right.

"Sasuke no"

I scream as he still runs to me, he walks into a barrier and needles fly at me. I flintch in pain as Sasuke gets hit too. He begins to try to break me loose but its no help. More needles fly and they hit me but Sasuke blocks the ones that go twords him, Naruto runs into the barrier and gets hurt too. I get hit over and over again until the man frys in front of me, he looks into my Sharingan and I use my genjutsu and the needles that look like they hit me hit him, he falls to the ground trying over and over again but they hit him. Narurto breaks the locks and they dissapear. The field breaks and I fall to the ground and fade to black. I wake up in a bed and sit up with everything healed. I walk downstairs and see everyone eating. I grab a bowl and sit away from everyone. Naruto soon sits by me.

"Leave me alone"

"No your alone that's the problem"

He begins to eat his food at my table with Sasuke and Sakura soon following. I stand up and walk away, going back to my room. I open the door to the balcony and sit on the edge with my kegs dangling. I look out and take my headband off. I feel the wind blow making my middle of my back length hair flow with it. I hair footsteps but I honestly don't care who it is. They sit next to me and I look over and see Sasuke, him out of all people.

"What now"

He hands me a bowl

"You need to eat, you haven't eaten in 3 days"

I hesitate to grab the bowl. I begin to eat and look away from him, he dies the same to me. When I finish I put my bowl down and Sasuke talks.

"You remind me of my brother except you look like my mom"


"You act just like him, filled with hate. You want people to hate you its like it make you full to be hated. You don't care like he doesn't. You also look sweet like my mom did. Your not scary but you have that look in you that shows not to need with you at the same time"

"Dont compare me to others even if its a compliment"

"Do you even have any friends Shizuka"

I look at my hands

"Even if I did what would it change. That I would have someone to go to and wine about. That's not me I don't need anyone and I don't need you so just back off an be your normal self and hate me again would you"

I stand up and storm off into the bathroom locking the door. Everyone here needs to mind there own business. Just because I'm on a team doesn't mean you have to get in my life. The deal was I just have to be nice but how can I be nice if there trying to invade my privacy.

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