Chapter 8 - New Mission Mate

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I wake up chained to the same brick wall, I watch as Oroshimaru stands in front of me with Sasuke in the back.

"Shizuka, I'm gonna try a different mark on you, one you seem to really like. I'm going to put a demonic curse mark on you and hope for the best. It will hurt a lot"

He bites me as I hold back the pain. I start to feel like I'm on fire when I can't help but activate my sharingan. I scream out in pain as the burning pain gets worst. I begin to let out tears I see Sasuke look at me oddly through my tears. I push forward but I'm stopped by the chain. A cutting like feeling starts in my shoulder. I turn and see a dot with three lines following down it. I stand up and look at Oroshimaru as he smiles.

"So the curse likes you. I see your eyes have taken to it too, and your eyes there beautiful with the snake like shape to it. To bad that there only like that when you form, I wouldn't mind having you to myself"

He walks up to me and grabs my chin forcing my eyes to look at his. He slams his lips into mine and I bite down on his letting a few tears roll down my face. He pulls away and slaps me as I feel a shock of electricity flow through me.

"Oroshimaru you took it to far leave her"

I look at Sasuke as he shakes. I watch Oroshimaru get up and slam the door behind him, locking it. I sit on the ground and stare at the ground. Why does Sasuke care about what happens to me. I suddenly hear his voice in my head.

"I'm not leaving"

I look up and smile as my head hits the floor. Someone cares. I wake up with Sasuke tugging me.

"Shizuka wake up we have a mission"

I sit up and rub my head. Sasuke helps me up as Kuruma walks in smiling.

"Hey Shizuka, Sasuke. I was told to tag along on the mission"

I nod and follow as Sasuke walks out. Sasuke walks in front as me and Kuruma walk together. He walks closer to me and begins to talk.

"So Shizuka, I've heard you have beautiful sharingan"


"Yeah, who taught you how to achieve those eyes, I mean there couldn't have been anyone you've lost"

"Um actually, I got them after I lost a friend if mine. I only knew him for a month but he became my best friend"

"Who was this, man"

"Uchiha Shio he even taught me more advanced wind manipulation jutsu and how to summon tigers"

"Shio huh"

I nod and we walk in silence. I hear a russle in the bush next to us and see someone moving I use my wind manipulation justu to throw stars at the person but they catch it. They peak out of the bush and I see a woman with white hair smile at me. She uses fire jutsu at me but I block it. Sasuke blocks me as she throws kunai at me. He falls to the ground and I stare the lady in the eyes. I activate my sharingan and grin.

"So your an Uchiha"

She uncovers her left eye and reveals a sharingan. I snarle at her and run to her kicking her into the tree behind her. I use my genjustu and make her feel as if she was begin stabbed a million times. I then make it seem like the is being hung up on a poll with nailed through her hands. I stop as Kuruma pushes me back nocking me and the lady out of the genjutsu. Kuruma runs as her hitting her every time. He grabs her by her throat and slams her to the ground making her cough up blood. He turns to me and Sasuke dusting off his hands.

"Here let me heal him"

He crouches next to Sasuke and heals his wounds. I smile at them and help Sasuke up. We continue to walk until dark and make a camp, I wasn't tired so I stayed up while Sasuke and Kuruma slept. I feel a tap on my shoulder and go to stab the person but I'm stopped but familiar hands. They walk in front of me and sit down next to me revealing Sasuke.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet"

"Im not tired"

"Me either, I haven't slept yet"

I giggle and he nudges me

"What's so funny"

"Nothing, your lying"

"What no I'm not"

"Yes you are, your breathing was shallow and your chakra grew more steady. You were to sleeping"

"You caught me"

I feel a cold breeze fly by and stand up.

"Let's go by the fire"

I go to walk but I trip, Sasuke catches me and laughs.

"Are you sure your not tired"

"Yeah, I guess my legs are tho"

We sit next to the fire and I stare into it mesmerized by the very slight movements it makes.

"Look at this"

He moves the fire with wind manipulation and shapes the flames into a rose. I laugh and nudge him making him laugh too.



"Why are you nice to me, your rude to everyone else"

"I have to ask you the same question"

"Well I'm nice to you because your nice to me now, I guess its also because I'm more lonely now, you know being locked up in a cell being torchered. You kinda grew on me"

"Well the same for you, I was lonely and you are the only one I can really talk to. We both have curse marks and were Uchiha. Also to mention we have the same additude due to the hate our blood carries"

I smile and then yawn. I try to stay sitting up but my head falls into Sasuke lap as I fall asleep. His warmth cradles me in a blanket I never want to leave, Sasuke so comfortable. Could I be falling for Sasuke.

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