Chapter 7 - Other Than Heartless

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I sit up from the floor and see Sasuke sitting in a chair. I look around and I see no sign of blood, I look at my stomach and don't see a wound. I stand up and look at Sasuke as he laughs.

"Its called genjutsu. You use it so don't act like you've never seen it before, mine isn't as powerful as yourself but it took you long enough to wake up from it. Your not heartless like you seem to act, like you want to be"

I turn around and grab a sweet when I get turned around and pushed against the counter.

"Don't act like you didn't hear me"

"I'm heartless when I choose to be so get away"

I try to push him off of me but nothing. He's so much stronger than me in every way. Even his stare is hard to turn from.

"It can be when you choose to be. But what you call it is heartless what it really is is pushing people away because you don't want to hurt them, well sorry to tell you but I'm pretty heartless and unless I'm getting torchered by you I'm not getting hurt or leaving"

I hold my head down and loosen up.

"Can you please let go of me Sasuke, your hurting my wrist"

He let's go and backs up a bit while I stand the looking at my now bruising wrist.

"I'm sorry"

I walk past him and make my way to my room. Why is he nice to me now, why has he changed. He hated me in academy and so did Itachi. What is it with them. I go to turn a corner and bump into a guy with dark brown hair. My black eye meet his blue ones as he reaches his hand out to mine. I grab it and he lifts me up.

"I'm sorry are you okay"

He looks at my hands and grabs them.

"You seem to have hurt yourself let me help you"

He heals my hands and smiles at me.

"My name is Kuruma and yours must be Shizuka, I've heard about you"

"So you have"

"Your the prophecy girl arent you, I'm sorry to hear"

"Sorry for what"

"No that's not why, Oroshimaru and Sasuke plan to use your power to kill Itachi"

My eyes widen.

"I-im sorry I have to go"

I slide past him and enter my room closing the door. I sit on my new bed that was recently put in here and stare at the dirt wall. Use my power. What power do I still have that makes me stronger than them. What power do I have at all. I'm weak and the only thing I'm good at is genjutus and summoning jutsu. Really nothing else. I get interrupted by a nock.


Sasuke walks in and I flintch ashe goes to sit next to me but I push him away.

"What's wrong"

"Nothing I'm, im just not feeling well"

He goes to touch my forehead but I push his hand away too.

"Sasuke really"

"Well we have to go an bring an old man here, he's in the cloud villages far from here so either you come or not"

I stand up and follow him as we leave the hideout. Sasuke hands me a cloak and I put it on, he walks next to me as I think non stop about what Kuruma said. Sasuke wants to use my power, Itachi is going to be killed. Sasuke stops me when we reach a river.

"We should rest its getting late"

I nod and sit down as Sasuke trys to make a bon fire. I laugh and take over when he starts to get frustersted. I use fire jutsu and light the fire and sit down. I look past the fire and to the river as the moon sparkles off of it. I lay down soon after and stare up at the sky, I hear Sasuke get up and walk off but I don't care to acknowledge were he goes. I soon fall asleep.


I walk down a long dim hallway when I see Kuruma, he runs to me and pins me to the wall not letting go. I see his blue eyes turn orange as his teeth sharpen. His laugh rings in my ears as he takes his kunai and begins to rip my clothes. I feel a pain in my gut as he let's go of me making me drop to my knees. I see Sasuke behind him as he lowers next to me hugging me. I see Sasukes eyes sparkle to mine as his lips meet mine.

"I'm sorry Shizuka. I'm sorry I couldn't help. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you. I failed"

I grab his cheek and smile

"Sasuke, you never failed"


I wake up to Sasuke leaning above me, I gasp for air as the light hits my face. Sasuke helps me up and I rub my head coughing.

"What happened to me"

"I saw a weird black shadow above you then you started to cry. I ran over to you and tryed to help you but you wouldn't stop then you began to shake a bit. I had to give you-"

He begins to blush and finishes.

"I had to give you mouth to mouth because you weren't breathing"

I begin to blish as Sasuke reaches his hand out to mine. I take his hand and stand up straightening out my clothes.

"Well what was it"

"It was a female figure, it was weird"

I nod and grab my kunai bag and begin to follow Sasuke, what was it above me. Why did it want to kill me and why was I the one it wanted to kill. We cross the river and begin out journey once more. The long walk, the stops I wish we could take. I keep quiet and continue to follow him until we reach the village. We meet with the old man and he begins to question me.

"Your chakra is very familiar who are you"

"Uchiha Shizuka"

"You have a familiar chakra presence of an old friend of mine, he was older than Me by I think 10 years, he taught many noble kids but died when I turned I think 12"

"Who was this man"

"Ah well its been about 100 years since then but if I can recall Uchiha Shio"

"Your 112"

I turn to Sasuke as he had just questioned the mans age. I feel my heart drop as Shios name is mentioned.

"Shio was close to me. He taught me too"

The man smiles and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"You, you look very much like his younger sister. She was the most beautiful Uchiha woman any man could lay his eyes on"

I blush and smile at him.

"What happened to her"

"She ran off after watching her older brother get killed. She is told to still be alive but after what Itachi did I don't believe it"

I put my head down, who is this woman. I would love to meet her to get to know more about her.

Who actually is enjoying my book so far, I feel like this book is a total fail so far and I should stop but at the same time I really like the book.

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