Chapter 10 - Diffrent

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*They would have been here for 3 years now*

Oroshimaru leaves my room. I sit in the corner and cry. He's been violating me to much lately and I can't bare it. He's forcing himself apon me and it hurts. The force hurts. *she's been raped by Oroshimaru*
I hear a nock on my door and tell them to leave but they walk in. I see Sasuke and cover myself. He can't know what's been happening to me he just can't. He sits on my bed and pulls the blanket off of my head.

"Why are you crying"

I stay silent.

"Shizuka tell me why your crying you haven't really talked to me for half a year, you've been really depressed and your growing weak. Tell me what's wrong"

"Sasuke get out I don't need to tell you any thing and I don't want to tell you just leave me alone"

He stands up and walks out. I sit in the dark a little longer until Kabuto walks in.

"Oroshimaru is requesting you"

I get up and follow Kabuto. He let's me in the room and I stand in front of Oroshimaru as he coughs.

"Your sick"

"I know I have been for the year now I need you to perform a jutsu on me. To give me strength"

I nod and as I go to step near him a Chidori beam shoots through the door and hits Oroshimaru.

"Such amazing chakra form who is this"

Sasuke busts the door down and looks at me then Oroshimaru.

"Sasuke amazing to see you. Its time to lend me your body"

"You Oroshimaru are nothing but a foul, covering your track makes you seem like nothing compared to an Uchiha. I thought that my power wasn't enough so I would give my body up just for it but you Oroshimaru only wanted the sharingan so you came after me and Shizuka. The baby's of the family well now I can show how heartless I can be even to you and Shizuka"

Sasuke starts to walk forward and Oroshimaru shoots something out of his mouth. His true form. He goes to me and raps his self around me.

"Shizuka lend me youself"

I start to whimper in the pain of him squeezing me and he forces my mouth open. His mouth lands on mine and something fills my mouth (wink jk) I feel something perice through me and I fall to the ground Oroshimaru letting go. Sasuke laughs and the fight between them starts. After 10 minutes Sasuke slices Oroshimaru up and he lay's there I go to sit up but Oroshimaru laughs.

"The time has come. See my bodily fluid evaporate sending a numbing sensation to whoever is near by. Sasuke your mine"

I wake up in a weird place standing there with Sasuke. Oroshimaru pops up and smiles at us.

"Oh Shizuka how it will be amazing to have your body to myself you are stunning"

My sharingan activates and I try to move but nothing. Oroshimaru goes towards me but Sasuke speaks up.

"Oroshimaru don't you want someone strong like me she's pittiful and weak"

Oroshimaru changes direction and raps slime like things around Sasuke. I wake up on the floor and see Sasuke standing up.

"Who are you"

Sasuke smiles

"The same Uchiha"

He walks out of the room and I fall into a pit of nothing because of my blood loss. Sasuke killed Oroshimaru. I wake up in a hospital. I hear the door open and see a nurse walk in.

"Hello Shizuka its been a while since you've been in Kohona huh. Your wound is all healed and you can leave if you want"

I nod and sign papers, she helps me up and Naruto walks in.

"Hey Shizuka"

I walk past him and out of the door. Kakashi stops me and faces me to him.

"Shizuka glad your awake were going on a mission"

"I don't need you Kakashi just leave me alone"

"Now now Shizuka were the same level ninja no need to be sour now here take this"

I roll my eyes and take a white cloak.

"Meet me and everyone else at the entrance"

I nod and I walk out of the hospital. I make my way to the ramen shop and order Misa ramen. The man hands me the bowl smiling at me and I eat. When I finish I go to turn around but I get stopped.

"Hey Shizuka what's up. You've been out for a week you know, a lot has happened"

"Like what"

"Well its bad news. The old man well pain um killed him and Sasuke killed Itachi yesterday. Amaya has been missing since you left too."


I walk to the entrance with Naruto following me and I see Kakashi with lady Tsunade and everyone else.

"Okay guys the mission is starting now make your way and win"

Everyone nods and Kakashi grabs my arm and I follow him. I follow behind Kakashi who is going slow. I start to go into thought. Why did Itachi loose how did he loose. We make our way to Sakura group who is sleeping.

"I see Sakura used a sleeping position she learned from Lady Tsunade"

I look at Kakashi and I pick up Lee and carry him under a tree.

"We need to find Sakura"

I nod and we make our way to Sakuras chakara. I walk up behind them and move Sakura out of the way while Kakashi moves Sasuke. Sasuke grins at us. He was really trying to kill her.

"What are you guys doing here"

"Were you really going to kill her"

"Don't act like you know me, your not me sensei anymore"

Sakura goes to heal the lady and Sasuke throws Kunai at us. I teleport away while Kakashi uses a mud wall. Sasuke grabs me and holds me against a tree.

"I really do see what Oroshimaru said, your stunning"

I can't help but stand there as Sasuke looks at me. This isn't how Sasuke used to be this. This is what Oroshimaru would do. I don't sense Oroshimaru in him but Oroshimarus power trying to take over. This Sasuke isn't Sasuke at all. I get thrown into a wall and I groan I stand up and Kakashi pulls me off of the bridge with him.

"This isn't Sasuke, Kakashi be careful"

He nods and Sasuke jumps in front of us he starts to use his susanoo and shoots an arrow to us. Kakashi pushes me aside and uses his Mangekyou. I stand up and notice Sakura above Sasuke. I run to her but Sasuke grabs my throat I look at Sakura and Sasuke smiles at me.

"I'm not stupid"

He throws me and grabs Sakaras kunai and goes to stab her but Naruto grabs her in time. He sets her down next to me and Sasuke laughs.

"Naruto I wouldn't expect to see you"

Naruto stands up straight as I stand up with him.

"Sasuke this needs to stop"

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