Chapter 6 - Goodbye Friend

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Itachi brings me to a rock. I sit there and stare at the sky. I'm 13 and still an ANBU ninja when I should be a missing nin. I hold my hands together and stare at my thighs. Was it because I actually beat Kakashi. Was it because I cheated. I watch Itachi stand up and walk a bit.

"We have to continue"

I nod and get up walking with him. I follow him back to the hideout, when we get there pain tells us to sit. We do so and listen to him.

"Oroshimaru left"

I roll my eyes and walk out side and sit under the tree. I read my book when I feel something behind me and I see everything fade to black. I wake up chained to a brick wall why me. I struggle to break free so I give up after a while and I hear the door open. I look up and see Oroshimaru walk in and smile at me.

"Ah our new recroot. I have put a mark on you that make makes it so you can't harm me or Kabuto. You will work for me or I will kill you"

I stand up and look at him as we walks to me. When he gets to the right length away I go to kick him by I feel a suddens shock of electricity through my body. I cry in pain and fall to the ground. He laughs and walks out when I here Sasuke in the hallway I scream for help but nothing, he just walks past the door. I fall back and hit the wall with my back. I cry in both pain and want. I want to be found and I want this pain to stop. I curl up and put my head between my knees when a man walks in and smiles at me.

"Hello Shizuka. I see your holding well so far"

I look at the man I'm guessing is Kabuto and roll my eyes, he walks to me and unchains me grabbing my wrist.

"Oroshimaru wants to see you"

He walks behind me and I go to were he tells me. I nock in the door and I hear Orochimaru tell me to enter, I do so and stand in front of him.

"You will be working with the boy Sasuke. You aren't to talk about anything other than mission work and are to do as I say. If he leaves in the middle of the mission you are to kill him"

I nod and go to turn around when I get my head slammed into a wall. I black out and feel myself hit the floor. I wake up and I'm chained back to the same spot I was before but Kabuto, Oroshimaru and Sasuke stand before me. I stare at them with my Sharingan and hiss at them.

"Were going to remove that Shio from you. He will become a nuisance and try to talk you into hurting yourself"

"No your not taking him from me hes my-my friend"

"Ah so you've become close to this demon rather quick"

They stand in front of me and laugh.

"This will hurt a lot and may kill you... Shizuka"

I clentch my fist and smile at him.

"Bring it"

I look at them with my sharingan and I feel more pain then when he was put into me. I scream and cry out but it doesn't stop. I cough up blood and tears flow from my eyes. When it stops I collapse to my knees and look at them feeling the blood come from my mouth.

"You think I'm done"

I look at Kabuto and make him feel the pain. The shock, the grip. I feel the electricity shoot through my body and try to push myself when I feel myself get slapped, I look up at Sasuke and smile.

"You can never remove what once was"

I feel eyes change and Oroshimaru smiles.

"Eye, eyes like a strong noble Uchiha. Itachis"

My eyed have turned to the mangekyou. I have the same eyes that Shio gave me. Mangekyou. I laugh and stand up looking at Oroshimaru.

"Shio is still here because his soul is now mine. His power handed to me, you will never amount to me or ever get what I have"

Oroshimaru laughs.

"Your nothing. Your Uchiha power is fragile, weak, fake"

They turn around and walk out. I fall to the ground.


No answer. I put my head between my knees and fall asleep. My friend, my only friend. Gone. I'm without him and he can't guide me anymore. I wake up and see the sun leaking through the wall. I have his power, his eyes and his soul. He left me himself. I sit up and watch Sasuke walk in with Kabuto following behind him.

They lift me up and take me to a backyard and unchain me handing me my Kunai. I look at Oroshimaru and at Sasuke in front of me.

"You too will fight, the winner trains the other"

I look at Sasuke and hold my head down.

"I can't hurt him"

I look up and stare at Oroshimaru.

"Its an order"

He nods and I run to Sasuke, we hit each other blocking each time until I hit him in the gut with a chidori. He slide back and kicks me up. I use my sharingan and throw him in in the air kicking him into a wall. I walk to himamd laugh. He stands up and looks at me throwing kunai at me. He hits me with 2 of the 7. I rip out mine and throw them at him and smile when they pin him to the wall. I use summoning justu and summon a snake that darts at him. Sasuke breaks loose before hand and stabs the snake making it dissapear. I teleport behind him and trip him maimg him do a werid flip away. He throws a kunai and it scrapes my cheek. He runs to me with a chidori and hits me making me fall to the ground. He gets on top of me when I grin at him.

"I'm Shizuka Uchiha, The reincarnation of Shio Uchiha. A strong shinobi and Uchiha. A simple trick won't work on me"

A clone of me pops up behind him and hits him with a chidori. I flip him over and I sit on top of him and laugh. I stab him in the shoulder with a kunai and stand up looking at Oroshimaru and laugh. I turn around and go back to my room sitting on the ground. I look at my cuts on my arms and thighs and heal them with the little healing jutsu I know. I look up and see Sasuke in the doorway. I wipe my tears away from my thoughts of Shio and look up.

"So the Uchiha girl has feelings"

"I'm just like any other person. I lost someone"

I stand up and push him out of my way and walk to the kitchen. I grab some candy and eat it. I hear a laugh behind me.

"Can't you just leave me alone, you always follow me when I don't need you too. Don't you understand I don't need you in my life. I've lost everything and everyone who enters my life and I don't need another person to be taken from me or to leave. So for your own sake just go"

"Nothings going to kill me, not even you can"

I look at him with my sharingan and bring him into my world. I make him see every death I saw. My parents, my brothers, my friends, Shios. I then make him stand there in a red world as I talk to him.

"I've lost everyone I let walk in my life, I let them do it too"

"Then kill me"

I peirce a wooden stake through his chest as he stands there looking at me

"Its may feel real but I'm smart enough to know this is an illusion and you don't have the guts to really stab me"

I take him out of it and run at him with a kunai and go to hit him in the shoulder but I stop halfway and stand there crying.

"Were very different, you're weak in many ways but I, I am an Uchiha and I take words seriously"

I watch as he takes out a kunai and stabs me in the gut. I fall to the floor as he looks at me. I stare at him until I black out. I lay on the darkness. I'm weak. I'm frail. Only Shio kept me strong. Only Shio made me realize I could be strong, but he isn't here now to remind me. What kind of Uchiha am I.

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