10: Loud

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Dan woke up with Mary shivering under his arms. He opened his eyes and looked at the window; still dark. Then, he looked down at her her: eyes sternly shut, hair spread all over her face and pillow, lower lip bleeding, shaking. She was having a nightmare, as usual.

He held her closer, kissed her head and pulled the covers over them again. Slowly, she started to stop shivering and stopped biting her lip. He kissed softly her to get the blood off without waking her. Dan was looking at her while she slept; she was beautiful. After a few minutes, Mary moaned.

- Dan? - She asked without opening her eyes.

- I'm here. - He softly said. 

- Please don't leave. - She held him tighter.

- I won't. - He kissed her forehead.


A couple of hours later, Mary was getting ready to go to the publisher's headquarters and present the sketches she finished the day before. 

- See ya later, Dan! - She yelled as she grabbed an apple and closed the door behind her without waiting for a response. 

She catched a cab and gave him the address. Mary looked at the window, watching the city pass by. They finally reached the huge, busy skyscraper built in the centre of London. She payed the taxi driver and hopped out. She inhaled deeply before stepping inside. 

It was quite a busy place and it suprised her every time, even though she's been there a lot of times. She walked over to the woman behind the desk and Mary was greeted with a huge smile and directions.

Scared of being rejected once again, she got the lift to the 18th floor.


Dan was laying down on Mary's couch, watchin Twin Peaks' final episode for the 32th time. After it ended, he walked over to the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea.

As soon as he sat back down on the couch to relax and take his mind off things with his hot, comforting drink, the doorbell rang. 

He placed the mug on the coffee table in front of him and got up sighing. He flung the door open and saw his three bandmates standing there, grins plastered on their faces. 

- What? - Dan asked, confused. 

- Last night was fun, heh? - Kyle nudged his shoulder playfully as they entered the apartment.

- Excuse me? - Dan was still confused.

- Don't act like you don't know what's happening. - Will said, grabbing a beer from the fridge.

- No, I really don't know what are you talking about. 

- You and Mary... - Woody gestured, making Dan even more confused. Kyle sighed impatiently.

- Mary's a loud moaner, you know. - He sipped his beer. Dan blushed madly in a matter of seconds. The guys laughed. 

- Let's leave him alone, poor guy. - Woody said after a bit more of chuckling over Dan's awkwardness.

- Thank you. - Dan sighed. They sat on the sofa.

- What are our plans for today, then? - Kyle asked.

- I don't know, maybe some rehearsal? - Dan suggested and the guys agreed. They went to his apartment.


Mary was back home; she sold her sketches. They finally liked some of them. Happy with her success, she entered her apartment smiling, expecting to see Dan somewhere, but he wasn't there. She sighed and left her stuff in her room before knocking on his door. 

- YOUR WIFE IS HERE, GO OPEN THE DOOR DANIEL! - Mary heard Kyle yelling and she laughed as she imagined Dan blushing scarlet. The door was slowly opened and they smiled as they saw each other. 

- Well, hello young lady. - Dan said a posh accent. 

- Good afternoon, mister. - She grinned before hugging him tighly; he chuckled and kissed her cheek.

- So, how did it go there? - He asked as they entered his apartment.  

- I sold all of the sketches! - Mary said happily as she sat down on the couch with Dan. Weirdly, the guys were gone; probably hiding on the rooms or something. 

- Really? That's great! - Dan smiled and they talked about her job and stuff like that for a long time, until the guys appeared from the corridor.

- Wow, you didn't even notice we were gone, Dan. - Woody said, slightly disappointed.

- We decided to come back as it was getting boring inside your bedroom. - Will explained. Mary and Dan laughed.

- Guys, why were you hiding anyway? - She asked. 

- To leave you lovebirds alone, durr. - Kyle mocked. Mary and Dan blushed. 

The guys slumped down on the couch next to them and turned on the TV. After about half an hour of watching tv, talking, making Dan and Mary embarrassed and drinking a few beers, they were getting bored.

- Let's go out! - Kyle suggested.

- It's been a long day, I'll probably just go to bed. - Mary said, getting up. - But you have fun! 

- Noo, wait, I'm staying with you. - Dan said, getting up too and holding her hand. Woody, Will and Kyle looked at each other, grinning maliciously. 

- Alrighty then. - Kyle smirked as they walked out of the apartment. - Be safe you two. I don't fancy mini Dans and Marys running around the hallway yet, alright? 

- Good night, Kyle! - Dan slammed the door at his face, but he could still heard the three guys laughing outside. - I'm so sorry for them. - Mary laughed. 

- It's alright. I'm their friend too, you know? - They laughed. Mary sat on a stool near the counter and grabbed an apple for herself. Dan started making some tea. - Dan, I love you. - She said after a moment.

- I love you too, Mary. - He looked over his shoulder and smiled at her. 

It didn't feel awkward for any of them. It wasn't weird, it wasn't this huge surprise. 

It was normal. Like it was meant to be. 

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