19: The Cheesy Stuff

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Another two months had gone by in the blink of an eye and finally, after a month and a half of just working, they were all having a break.

Dan and Mary hadn't had any arguments since that last one over John, before Christmas. After their parents and family were aware of their relationship, the tension and apprehension were completely gone, they've been way more relaxed, patient and comprehensive about everything, and also, Mary has been touring with them. She got promoted in her work, so she didn't have to be so strict about deadlines; but she was still really responsible and committed to her work.

Everything was actually so perfect in their relationship and they were so happy, that Dan already had something in the back of his mind; a plan that he had already shared with his mates, and got more than a lot of support on. 

As all the girlfriends and the guys were free from work, they decided to go out, just hang out together, chill, have some drinks, take a walk. 

- Hey Maaary... - Dan called, slurring her name from the music room. 

- Yeah?! - She squealed in response from the living room where she laid sprawled on the couch, eating cookies and watching The Breakfast Club again.

- Let's go out today! - He said, jumping up from his seat and walking towards her. She looked up at him after pausing the movie, and frowned.

- But I'm comfy in here.

- I know, but we should go out. I actually planned everything with the guys and the girls, and they're stopping by to pick us up in an hour or so. - He grinned at his little lie, as he saw her frown drop, to be replaced by an angry and surprised expression. They weren't actually going to pick them up.

- Darn, Dan, I still have to shower! - She yelled as she ran off to the bathroom, leaving him to laugh alone.


Fifty minutes later they were both ready; Mary with black leggings, a t-shirt with London Grammar's album artwork, red converse, black hoodie, and long brown hair loose over her shoulders. She adjusted her black Wayfarer glasses after applying some eyeliner. 

Dan was wearing his typical black skinny jeans, blue converse, Eraserhead tee and denim jacket over the grey hoodie.

He grabbed his car keys and their coats while Mary got their phones, and with hands entwined, went down to the garage, then to his car. 

After Dan opened the door for Mary, and he made sure she was inside, completely focused on something on her phone, and wasn't paying attention at all to him, he ran his hands over the jacket's inner pocket, making sure the small box was there; it was.


- Hey guys! - Woody waved as he spotted Mary and Dan walking towards them in the small pub. 

They greeted each other, and after an hour and a half of just casually chatting, catching up on stuff, eating and drinking just enough to satisfy and not get drunk, they decided to take a walk around the streets, maybe get in the park.

As they walked down Oxford Street, they chatted, messed around, and laughed lots. For the first time in ages they were able to spend some quality time together actually having fun, and with no work to interrupt them.

For some odd reason, Hyde Park was still with its gates open; they decided to get in. Why not?

The park was all dark; there weren't any lamposts inside, but gladly the clouds that covered the full moon quickly moved somewhere else, and the moonlight illuminated their path.

As they walked, chatted and admired the scary and somehow beautiful view they had with the light in the darkness, Dan searched for the perfect place. But everywhere seemed perfect. Just to be there with her, his friends, having fun, being able to be himself, without having to act for the cameras, it was perfect anyway. There wasn't the need of being a perfect place. 

Dan abruptly stopped, holding Mary's hand. She looked back at him confused, and he kissed her passionately. When the others noticed it, they stopped too, grinning at each other.

- Dan, what-

Before she could say anything else, he had gotten down in one knee, and his shaky hands grabbed hers.

- M-Mary, - He started, his voice as shakey as his hands. For a second he thought he wasn't going to be able to do it. But he forced himself to talk. - I might be- be rushing things, I mean, I know we aren't a couple for long, but we've known each other all our lives. - He kissed her hand gently. - You know how awful I am at this kind of stuff, the cheesy stuff, - He smiled nervously as she giggled, nodding, her eyes already teary. - But you know how much I love you. I hope you do. I love you more than anything, Marylin. I love every single thing about you, I love every little thing that you do, the way you speak, walk, dance, write, bake, draw, even breathe when you're asleep. You are beautiful, insanely beautiful, and I couldn't ask for someone more perfect for me. We were best friends before being lovers, and I hope it'll stay like this. No one knows me better than you do, and I don't think anyone knows you as much as I do. I genuinely hope you agree with me, that there's no one better for us, than each other. I want to stay with you for my whole life. I want you to be mine forever. And even more, if it was possible. - They both laughed nervously, tears already spilling down their eyes. His hands left hers for a second, while they rumaged through his pocket, trying to find the box. He quickly found it, and as swiftly as possible, he had it opened in front of her, the simple however beautiful ring glowing beneath the moonlight. - Will you give me the honour of becoming my wife?


just 'cause Cath asked me to post this, ayy

and the series continue

#4 i may or may not stalk everyone who comments on my stories

#5 i am fourteen??! i got drunk twice but i swear i am a good person, i didnt even had my first kiss, see im an angel

#6 i draw a lot but im no good

#7 i actually learnt how to speak english by myself, with the internet, just because i was fucking tired of my whole family comparing me to my brother (who had to learn how to speak english in the US to survive, when he was just 11, pffft) because HE IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN ME

#8 my brother's not that much better than me though cause he's 25 and he only had one job his whole life AND THE OTHER DAY I GOT OFFERED A JOB IN AN AMERICAN RADIO OMFG (and im just 14)

#9 my dads a diplomat, i dealed with depression and i used to self harm, maybe im anna???!? no she's skinny and pretty and talented

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