Chapter 2: Underground Music

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I woke up to a rainy but pleasant Friday morning. The sound of the rain is never a bad thing in my world, for to me, it means several things: I get to have a challenging walk to school, the crops don't need to be watered, and athletics are cancelled. And as long as I have an umbrella, then I should be dry and happy, even if rain droplets do get on my glasses and frizz my hair.

In my gown, I walked from my room to the sun room. Papa was already sitting at the table, reading the newspaper. Curious as to what today's headline was, I took a peek over his shoulder.

"Second Anniversary of the Disappearance of Miss Christine Daae and Still No Sign of Opera Ghost" is what it read.

"'Opera Ghost.' I can't believe it has been two years and they're still talking about that Parisian madman here in England."

Papa looked around at me. "Good morning, darling." He returned his attention to his newspaper; he stretched out the pages and straightened it. "Yes, it's quite the charming story, isn't it? He sounds more like a lovesick man than a madman to me."

"Whatever you say, papa." 

"You're too pragmatic, like your mother was."

"It's nothing but a foolish romantic exaggeration of one small kidnapping. That's my opinion. Well, I best be off to school."

"Don't let the Opera Ghost kidnap you, darling", Papa said with a chuckle.

"That will never happen, that's for sure. I'd more willingly believe I'd be in danger of being kidnapped by a monster before I'd believe that." After giving him a quick peck on the cheek, I went to the door, and opened it.

"Be wary of the rain!" Papa shouted after me as I closed the door on my way out.

My feet sloshed through the muddy rubble, and I carried my skirt in one hand so that it wouldn't get dirty; that's what's prim and proper for me to do anyway. In the other I carried the small umbrella I had made myself; people kept looking at it as I went by, I'd say impressed by my skill.

When I approached the gates, Elizabeth fell in step with me, with her own dainty umbrella in hand. "Still carrying that old umbrella, I see."

"Of course."

"Say, did you read the headline this morning?"

"I saw it."

"I believe the Opera Ghost is still out there."

"I respect your opinion."

Elizabeth got frustrated. "Jennifer! Why are you always so condescending?" She gets like this sometimes, and at times she behaves as if I have chased her off, but she always comes running back to me, as I have done nothing wrong in the first place, and she always winds up apologizing for her rashness.

"Why, Lizzy, I'm just holding steadfast in my opinion."

"Can't you just listen to someone else's opinion for once?"

I sighed. "Of course."

Then she sighed as well. "Goodness, Jenny, now I don't feel like speaking of the subject anymore. Why don't we speak of something else?"

"That would be fine."

She puckered her lips. "I'm going to hear the underground music again tonight. Are you going to come this time?"

I probably should go with her, to make peace with her. I'll go, but for no other reason than that.

"Yes, I'll go with you."

Her eyes brightened. "Ah, very good, very good! What shall you wear? It's a performance, after all."

"I don't think I'd consider it a performance- all we'll be doing is standing around listening to music coming from an unknown source."

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