Chapter 25: Almost There

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I felt like there was a pause in this adventure as I gazed out the window of the train. The first few minutes of this train-ride had been full of anticipation, and I thought, "here we come, Erik, we're coming for you!" But now, all of that excited anticipation had burned out like a flame on a short candle-stick, and all I could think was, "how ever will these awkward two hours pass?"

Awkward indeed, this time was. I sat right across from Nadir, who wasn't doing anything...he wasn't looking out the window, he wasn't reading a book, he was quite literally doing nothing.

What was more, we were in the very back train car, for Nadir hadn't enough pounds to acquire two seats in one of the comfortable cars. Which meant, we weren't even offered any concessions- which in turn meant no opening to break this awkward silence. So there we sat, in that rickety old car, and a baby was screaming too- how unagreeable!

How I wished there had been some portable device to play music from...

Involuntarily, I began to hum a lullaby from my childhood. I didn't even realize what I was humming until I was well into the song.

It was a lullaby Mother used to sing to me- Berceuse des Cloches. It was an old French lullaby, which I remembered the words to!

I subtly transitioned from humming the song to actually singing it. While I sang softly, I was in my own world- I did not attend to anything outside of my mind, outside of my memories. My eyes were blind to the world around me; they were looking inwardly rather than outwardly, and I was looking upon my own childhood.

That is, until my song ended. That's when I was jolted back into the real world before me.

My cheeks turned a scarlet red when I saw that Nadir was staring at me.

Before Nadir could say anything, a woman from the back of the car exclaimed gently, "Ah, s'il vous plait, mademoiselle! N'arretez pas!"

I peered over Nadir's head to see the woman who had made the exclamation. She was dressed in rags, and had no husband with her- a widow, perhaps?- and she had a baby swaddled in her arms.

It took me no more than a couple of moments to see that she wanted me to continue singing- for my song had lulled the baby to sleep?!

I stammered. "Uh, um, o-okay, miss...I'd be happy to!"

Without exactly willing to, I got up from my seat and approached the back of the car. I kneeled before the mother and child; the baby was kicking her small pink legs, as if she was waking up. Tenderly, I began my song again.

This time I was able to hear the entire car fall into a hush. The baby's kicking became lazier and lazier as my song went on, until it came to a peaceful stop, and she had fallen into a deep slumber.

As I ended my song, the mother looked to me and said under her breath, "Ange..."

I smiled. "I don't exactly know what that means, but thank you."

I jumped in surprise when Nadir said from in the aisle behind me, "Angel, Jennifer."

I blushed. "Nadir, you don't need to be dramatic, for heaven's sake! You're embarrassing me-"

Just then, the perfect reply to the mother occurred to me. So I cut my bickering at Nadir short and turned back to her.

"Mademoiselle, I am not just an angel... I am an Angel of Music."

With one last smile, I got up and turned to Nadir. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back down through the aisle with me to our seats, grinning to myself. I can't wait to tell Erik about this. He'll be so proud of me.

As soon as we were back in our seats, I picked up my bickering where I had left it off. I wasn't simply going to let Nadir's drama go. "Really, Nadir, this isn't some corny drama! You don't need to act like it is."

He only laughed in response.

I was caught off-guard when one of the train stewards entered our car and called out, "We will be in arriving in Folkestone shortly, people!" I lifted myself from my leaning position against the window and blinked. How did so much time pass so quickly?! I suppose all it takes for a slow, dreary train-ride to turn around is just one happy event.

Just thinking about what I did warmed me from the inside. I knew that it would be fuel for my confidence and courage for what I know is soon to come.

I wasn't frightened at all. I wasn't apprehensive. I was ready.

I stood up immediately, heart thumping. "Come on, Nadir! We have no time to waste."

As I exited our seat space, he caught me by my hand. "Jennifer, the train isn't in the station yet."

Blushing yet again, I cleared my throat. "...oh."

I sat back down, forcing myself to wait patiently and at the same time itching to get out. As soon as I watched a man some ways ahead of the train signal for a stop, I was the first up and by the door; of course, I pulled Nadir with me. The doors opened and my heart started to beat quickly again- and I jumped off, landing onto the place of our soon-to-be battlefield. The platform onto which I had just landed was narrow and raised about two meters off the ground. I didn't know where I was- which station is this? I thought for a few moments, trying to remember which train station in Folkestone takes trains coming in from Orpington. Eventually, I reached the consensus that this was Folkestone Central- okay, now I know exactly where to go! A geography student doesn't study geography for nothing! I dashed some ways down the narrow platform then turned under the awning and into the stone station building on my right, ran through the small crowds and then emerged out into the carriage park.

Nadir and I gazed about. I scanned the area. Clouds covered the sky and I wasn't able to tell whether it was day anymore... I assumed it was somewhere in the afternoon. I assured myself, the darkness...that's Erik's element, so we should have the advantage!

Now where to go... southeast... that would be in this direction!

Still not wasting any time, I darted back into motion. I ran across the carriage park and onto the nearest road. I got onto the edge of the sidewalk and waved my arms, hoping to catch a taxi.

Nadir obviously knew what I was getting at. "Jennifer? Begging your pardon, but I don't have any pounds left!" He said in his ever-so-polite tone of voice, yet sounding somewhat annoyed. I suppose he had reason to be annoyed... I did just make him run around and follow me without even letting him know what I was doing.

"Well, we must do something! Even if that means we have to take off without paying! I'm sure it happens all the time, so I'm sure we'll be fine!"

It took several moments before a taxi finally stopped for me. I climbed in first, then Nadir.

"Folkestone Harbour, please!"

The taxi went into motion, and I could hardly contain my excitement. Or was it nervousness? Anxiety? Whatever it was, it was making my chest feel tight and I felt like I was perspiring. Either way, I knew that one of my current feelings was excitement.

And the truth remained- this was the last leg of our journey before our face-off with the Little Sultana.

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