Chapter 27: No More

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I planted my feet confidently upon the cold brick of the underground labyrinth of Folkestone. I took a gulp and gazed around, seeing nothing but black...after all the time it took for my eyes to get used to the darkness, now I have to start again, what a bother...I hope this won't hinder me in my quest...wait a minute...what if...what if the Little Sultana meant for this to be?! What if she wanted to bring me out into the light, then bring me back underground and seize me while my eyes can't see?! 

My nerves started to set in, and once again my thoughts found themselves going wild- until I was snapped out of them by Nadir's hushed voice, saying, "Please, mademoiselle, if you would move so I could get down as well..."

"Ah, right you are, my apologies," I whispered as I cheerily- I was most likely slap-happy- got out of Nadir's way. He got down onto the ground beside me, and we stood in silence for a few minutes until our eyes adjusted. 

Nothing seemed to be moving anywhere, there was no sign of any quarrel anywhere. There were no sounds coming from somewhere else in this labyrinth. Not even a faint shuffle of feet. Now, in addition to my nerves, disappointment began to set in.

"...Nadir? Are they even down here?"

"Mademoiselle, don't let silence trick you. You are dealing with two master tricksters, remember?"

"Ha...right you are, again..."

A hand came down upon my shoulder. "Don't worry, we will find them. Now, let us go; those two will be missing you if you don't show up soon..."

"Missing me?" That's flattering...but...but...he's right! I mustn't show up late!

I zipped away into the ever-lightening darkness, leaving Nadir's hand in mid-air. "Come now!" I beckoned him. 

"Erik! Erik!" I shouted as I ran. My shouts prompted a polite "please, hush, mademoiselle!" from Nadir, but I didn't heed it.

"Erik! I'm here for you! And Nadir, he's with me too! Say something!"

A few moments of silence did not discourage me- and it was all for good reason, for I soon got my reply. My mouth spread into a big, happy grin from ear to ear when I heard a booming- yet concernedly strained- voice say, "Idiot! Go now! Go now and leave me! Don't get yourself involved in this! Have you no sense of self-preservation?!"

"Left! Left, Nadir, Left! He's to the left!" I immediately ran in the direction from where I heard his voice. 

"NO, YOU IDIOT!" Erik boomed. 

"I'm co-o-oming for yo-u-u!" 


After that exclamation, silence. I couldn't tell whether or not that was a sound of frustration or of being attacked, but I didn't want to take any chances, so I ran even faster. 

I quickly came to a fork in the path, so I raised my voice again. "Erik! I need you to say something else!"

To my dismay, it wasn't Erik's voice that replied. I turned pale as the Little Sultana replied instead, in a mocking voice. "I'm here, I'm here mademoiselle, the Angel of Death! Hahaha, how do you like that, Monsignor 'Angel of Music'?!"

I was completely mortified. "ERIK!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, angry and afraid out of my wits. What is she doing to him?! Erik!!!

I ran onto the leftmost path, following the Little Sultana's taunting voice. Tears pricked at my eyes as the taunts came at me. "I've got him now, little cretin! Your 'music of the night' is over! Ha, but that should be the least of your worries...your life is now over! Come to me if you dare...ha ha!" Her evil cackling chipped away at my sanity, I felt like I was going to burst from anger at any second...

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