Chapter 5: Soaked

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As I stood there- I daresay I wasn't dumbfounded, I was just...contemplating my options- I became aware of the stale draft. I chafed my arms and breathed into the air. Thank goodness it was only fall; if it were winter, then I would be freezing to death down here. Flapping my arms at my side, I resolved to trudge onward through this tunnel. But once I took that first step- ugh! The stone is so slippery and slimy! Twisting my face into a disgusted expression, I picked up my foot and wiggled my toes before planting it back on the ground. I gathered every ounce of tolerance I have within me, straightened my posture, took a deep breath, and forced myself to move on.

But as soon as I started up with my journey, I was stopped in my tracks. Fluctuating sounds began to ring all around the tunnels, bouncing off the walls and hitting my ears.

The Underground Music.

Just where does the Underground Music come from, anyway? I might as well take this opportunity to identify the man who's been uselessly captivating all of London.

I'm sure I can use my echolocation skills to hone in on these sounds! I paused to try and get a sense of the direction from which the sounds were coming, but to no avail; the sounds were echoing everywhere, surrounding me, and I couldn't distinguish the sounds coming from in front of me apart from those coming from behind me.

But after listening in for a few more moments, I did discern the sounds to be louder in front of me, so I concluded that they were coming from that direction.

I set my sights ahead of me and continued onward.

As I walked, the sounds of my bare feet slapping against the stone echoed, mixing with the sounds and making them even more so obnoxious. I almost wanted to covered my ears, but I'm more dignified than that.

One foot in front of the other, one foot in front of the other, one foot in front of the other- in this fashion I went on. Until I brought my foot down on a hard, fleshy thing.

"aaAAAAhhhhh!!" I screamed as I danced to the side. The next thing I knew, I perceived myself to be falling.

Then- splash!

My body made contact with the water, stinging me, then I was submerged. I squeezed my eyes shut and held my breath. Time seemed to pause. For a split second, I was frozen underneath this freezing cold water.

Then in the next moment, all at once, I flailed my arms around until my head broke the surface of the water. Paddling my feet to keep myself afloat, I inhaled, exhaled, inhaled, exhaled, until I caught my breath again. My eyes still shut, with one hand I took my glasses from my face, and with the other, I rubbed my eyes dry. I rubbed them so hard that when I opened my eyes again, dark colored spots floated across my vision.

I slid my glasses back onto the bridge of my nose and did my best to regain my bearings. But my heart was beating so fast, and I couldn't stop breathing through my mouth! This is horrible!

My heart was still racing as I swam to the the ledge from which I fell, feeling my hands across its face, searching for a ladder. Ladder, ladder, where is the ladder?!

I looked up, to the side, then to the other side.

No ladder.

I swam down the river of sewer water, feeling the face of the ledge still all the while, eyes desperately searching.

Still no ladder!

Panic swelled up within by breast. Oh, pooh, why did I have to get myself into this mess?!

I looked at my watch. 8:45. There are still ten and a half hours left until the boys come back for me. What if I'll be stuck in this freezing water for the entire time?! I'll surely die of hypothermia!

My chest heaved. Think, think Jenny, think...

Okay, so I'll just keep swimming. That's what I'll do. I can't give up on finding a ladder yet, and I can't jump to conclusions, since I don't know for sure that there isn't a ladder down here. As long as I keep my body moving, I should be warm enough...

I began to swim faster, and as I did, I kept my right hand on the face of the ledge, still feeling for a ladder. My wet clothes clung to my body uncomfortably. My glasses had many drops of water on them, making my eyes feel itchy, which made me feel like sneezing. So I sneezed, trying my best to contain the sneeze; even though there is no-one down here, I must keep my lady-like manners.

Although this was very uncomfortable and unpleasant for me, the movement did keep my mind off of how cold I was. This is and will be the only time I'll admit to physical activity being more useful than mind engagement! Mark my words!

As I dragged my right hand along the face of the ledge, I felt all sorts of slimy substances, which made my hair stand on end. But I held myself steady and forced myself to keep my hand on that face!

Suddenly, my hand hit up against a solid object. I snapped my head to my right to see what it was.

A ladder! Thank God!

I immediately fastened both hands upon the third rung from the bottom, placed both feet on the bottommost rung, and pulled myself up. I climbed the ladder and dragged my body back up onto the ledge.

I knew I had great survival skills! I'm not a female prodigy for nothing!

I rolled myself onto my back and allowed myself time to recuperate. When I felt the chill of the draft setting into my wet skin and clothes, goosebumps formed on my arm. Then, movement at the corner of my vision caught my attention.

I pushed myself up from my laying position and pulled my knees under my body, only to see a thin, reed-shaped object disappear down the sewer river.

What the...?  Surely this is an eye floater. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. Then, as I expected, the object I had perceived was gone. Just as I thought, it had been an eye floater.

I got onto my hands and knees, then stood up. Alright, I'll continue on now!

In this confident way, I went on. This time, I made sure to watch where I was stepping.

Rats scurried here and there. Sounds echoed all around me-

Wait a minute, the Underground Music isn't playing anymore! When did it stop playing? So- what have I now to follow to the source?

Oh, this is of no consequence. This only means that I'll have a better time focusing on my whereabouts and keeping track of where I'm going.

I came to a corner, where the sewer river made a sudden sharp left. I saw that another sewer river started up again straight ahead of me, after the left turn. Then I noticed that there was another tunnel off to the right.

No, it's not a corner, it's an intersection.

Hmm...which direction to take... how about the right, away from the water? I don't want to fall again, that's for sure!

So I took a right and entered the tunnel. I was surrounded on both sides by walls.

As I was walking down this tunnel, I tried to envision where on the map of London I was now. I couldn't envision my position. But after walking for what seems to have been a long time, I started to hear sounds coming from in front of me, sounding as if they were coming from above, from the surface. As I neared the source above, the sounds became clearer:

I hear opera. This must mean...

I'm close to the Royal Opera House. Ah, I know where I am now! 

And that also means that I must be getting close to the source of the Underground Music, as that always plays around the block from the Royal Opera House.

It looks like I'm going to find out who the ridiculous fool who plays music in this repulsive sewer is!

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