Chapter 17: Quick Escape

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I woke up to find myself tightly closed in, as if I was in a pea-pod. The sensation of waking up was all very familiar to me...I had such a strong feeling of déjà vu. But from what did it come?

Suddenly, a wave of claustrophobia rushed over me, interrupting my short attempt at trying to put my finger on why this all seemed so familiar.

I slammed on both sides of the pod with my palms. Whatever I was in rocked from side to side, making me panic even more.

A voice brought me back to myself, and my memories were restored. "Do not panic, Jennifer, I'm coming, please give me a moment, mademoiselle," it said.

A cover was peeled away from atop me. I immediately sat up and stared straight at the Daroga, only taking the time to note my new surroundings rather than assess them. "What in the world did Erik do to me? And why did he do it? He knows I've already passed out twice before this...what if my mind couldn't have taken another blackout?" I tried my best to cut my hostile gaze through him, but he was as calm as anyone could possibly be in this situation. Which is a situation not many people would- or should- be in...

"He did it for your own good, mademoiselle."

"Did he even know what he was doing?"

"I'm sure you know how skilled he is in such arts."

"Of course I do! Probably more than you-" I cut myself off short, realizing that what I was about to say was most likely a false statement. Instead, I said, "Who are you, anyway?"

He took a step back, as if allowing me to see him in full. "I apologize for not introducing myself before. I am the Daroga. Erik and I share a history."

"And I assume that this history is also shared by that Little Sultana?" I cocked my head to the side. Of course, "assume" wasn't exactly the correct word...I should have said "know."

"Yes, but not in the same way. You see, I was with Erik in Persia. We both...worked- yes, that's a fitting word- in His Majesty's palace. Erik made several feats of architecture for the Little Sultana, as well as feats of murder... of course, you're most likely already familiar with this. I'm boring you. I apologize."

"No, I mean yes, I know that part... but you were about to say something else, weren't you? I know you were. Continue." How I knew, I don't know. I just had a feeling that there was something I didn't know about Erik's past. What Erik had told me about his past seemed too simple.

"I'm sorry, yes I was. I'll continue with the tale, then. I'm not quite sure what you do and do not know, so I'll simply continue from where I left off." He stepped closer to me and lowered his voice, as if what he was about to say was taboo. "There came a day when Erik was contracted by His Majesty to make hidden passages which allowed His Majesty to move about as like a ghost- to disappear and reappear, all to the bafflement of those who came to the palace. His Majesty enjoyed not having anyone know about this trick of his...however, Erik knew, of course. His Majesty couldn't have that. So he ordered Erik to be put to death. And I was to be the executor. That was my job in the palace, you see. 'Daroga' means 'chief officer' in your tongue. Ah, I'm getting sidetracked. I apologize. Allow me to continue- before his execution, Erik came to me and struck a deal with me. He wanted me to help him escape, and he offered me many indulgences, so I naturally didn't refuse. So I produced a body to serve as Erik's in the execution, and when all thought he was dead, we escaped together to Asia Minor and then to Constantinople to work under the Sultan. But-"

"You were an executor?" I cut him off, unable to contain myself any longer. Unbelievable!

"Yes, I was. It wasn't a very...nice job. Now, mademoiselle, you seem to be bored from my tale. I apologize. I'll stop now."

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