Chapter 28: Never a Final Song

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I come to, with a very groggy feeling looming over my consciousness and a pain around my neck. Before me was a still, masked figure staring coldly down at me and a petite girl in robes with her back to me. Then it all came back to me.

"...Erik?" I choked out sadly as I sat up, my voice gravelly.

The Little Sultana turned to me straightaway and began to speak in her headache-inducing shrill voice. "Ah, how wonderful, you're awake. How pathetically hopeful you are, calling to Erik like that." She walked up behind Erik and placed both hands on his shoulders. "Don't you see? The Erik you know is gone. Gone. Weren't you wondering what I was doing with him before you came?" She paused, as if expecting an answer from me. I stayed defiantly silent with a scowl on my face. Seeing that she wasn't going to get an answer, the Little Sultana gave out an annoyed "psh" and continued. "I do you say this in your language... 'brainwashing' him, you stupid brat. He's my slave now, again."

My eyes widened and I had to suppress a gasp. I wanted to yell at her, but I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of a reaction.

"Weak girl, go ahead, cry. Beg for mercy. If you do that, I might just reward you with a quicker death."

"Not in your dreams." I growled.

She let out a hearty cackle. "Feisty one! Then you leave me no choice..." She released Erik's shoulders and turned her back to me once more, returning to the position she had been in when I had come to.

I watched her with an intense, unafraid glare. I wasn't afraid of her...but who I was afraid of, afraid for, was Erik. I didn't dare attempt to stand up, not knowing what Erik was programmed to do to me if I tried to escape.

The Little Sultana was taking too long for my patience, so I let my gaze wander. Realizing that something, someone was missing, I raised my voice. "Say, what did you do with Nadir?"

With her back still to me, she answered mockingly, "My traitor, you mean? Dead. Disposed of, by the hands of none other than Erik himself! I don't easily forgive those who betray me. Of course, my dear Erik is an exception..."

Knowing that her answer was meant to taunt me, I remained silent. Although, that doesn't mean it didn't tear me up inside...but I knew it couldn't be true. I believed in Nadir, and maybe it was just false hope for a happy ending, but my heart was telling me he couldn't be dead, even if Erik killed him.

"Can you hurry up over there? Suspense isn't my forte." I spat, keeping up my strong front. I must say, my own brazenness was surprising me; it was as if I woke up a different person. Nonetheless, I liked the feeling of being strong, unafraid- and if Erik was still himself, he would be proud, I thought sadly.

That thought I had just had disturbed me. It was as if I accepted that Erik was no longer himself, that he would never be himself again. I can't think like this! I must believe that we, all of us- Erik, Nadir and I- will get out of this, together!

My thoughts were interrupted by the Little Sultana's answer. "Hold your tongue, cretin! You're going to make me want to make your death even more slow and painful than I was planning on."

"Go ahead, I'd like to see what you have in store, so that when I escape, I can give you a taste of your own vile medicine."

Just then I caught a movement in the corner of my eyes.

Erik...what is he doing?

He was bringing his hand across his neck in a slicing motion, as if saying "You're dead meat." I scowled. What has she made Erik into? A two year old?

When he didn't stop making that gesture, I started to become confused.

What in the world...?

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