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        Her eyes watched as her sister let her head fall back as she laughed, while his eyes admired her. Noa knew Severus would never look at her the way he looked at Lily. Her body filled with envy. But she knew Lily did not have feelings for him.

    But soon everything will change.. Lily will starting hating Severus while she goes on to marry James Potter. As for Noa, there is only one piece of information that is known to the Wizarding World, she will go on to bare a child of the Snape blood. The father of this child will not know of this, of course. After having the child, she will disappeared without a single trace. As for the child, she will be known as The Girl In The Black Lake just as the Potter child is know as The Boy Who Lived..

The Girl In The Black Lake- Draco Malfoy #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now