Chap•ter 31

250 11 1


  He was gone.

    Ondine could barely comprehend the world around her, all she could stare at was the sticky, scarlet liquid that stained her hands.

    She felt a hand go on her shoulder but pulled away.

    "Leave me alone, Harry," she muttered.

      Her mind was far away from Earth. She thought about the loss of her Father  and Dumbledore. Then, it drifted to leaving Draco, whom she left speechless on the steps of Hogwarts to go and help the famous Harry Potter. Foolish, that's 
what she was.

     She was foolish to believe that everything would be fine, a silent chuckle released from within her. She wasn't fine, she was far from fine.

    "Come on, it's over. Let me take you home," Harry whispered into her ear.

     Ondine's chest tightened at the idea of home. She couldn't breath or utter a word. Home. What is home? Is home the place where your heart belongs or is it a place where you sleep at night? She let out a gasp of air as she felt free from the invisible strangulation.

     "I have no home," she replied. "Have you seen Draco?" A sparkle of hope lit in her heart.

      Harry felt a war going on inside of his self. How was he suppose to tell that Draco left her here and didn't look back? So he did the one thing he knew which would break her heart in two. Harry told the truth.

      "Draco is gone," he told her.  Just like that the hope in her was gone.

       Ondine shook her head as tears busted through the walls of her eyes.

      "No, no, no.. he can't be gone," Ondine didn't know that when Harry meant gone, he meant he left not dead.  But he didn't get a chance to fully explain what he meant by gone because Ondine was already running away from him towards the last place he would expect. The Black Lake.

         Ondine just wanted to leave. The wind bursted trough her body as she ran. She barely even looked at her classmates bewildered faces. All she cared was she just like her loved ones needed to be gone.

         So with a scream of angry exploded from within Ondine's tiny body she dived right into the dark water, and like that she was finally and never coming back. She was gone.

The Girl In The Black Lake- Draco Malfoy #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now